Ecumenical Study Guide on the Eucharist

Publisher: Graymoor Ecumenical Institute
Creation: 1976 (The date of original creation or publication, if known)
Size/extent: 14 pages; booklet

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Ecumenical Study Guide on the Eucharist (Graymoor Ecumenical Institute, 1976).

What does the command of Jesus at the Last Supper: “Do this in remembrance of me” really mean to Christians today? This study guide is designed to help his followers of various churches and traditions to reflect anew on the significance of the Christian’s central act of worship. Full documentation of the Anglican/Roman Catholic Agreed Statement on the Eucharist (The Windsor Statement issued in 1971) is provided, together with a study guide originally prepared by the Committee on Anglican/Roman Catholic Relations of the Episcopal Diocese of New York. Although these materials originated with the dialog of these two sister churches, they are of interest to all Christians, representing both a basic statement of eucharistic belief and a point of departure for further discussion. A chart issued by the San Diego Ecumenical Conference provides further insight into how the various denominations view the sacraments. A short bibliography for further study of the developing dialog between the churches on this subject indicates the original sources. Those using this study guide, either in groups or as individuals, may wish to include prayer and reflection in their program. Our guide concludes with a prayer prepared by an ecumenical Committee for the Participation of Christians of Other Churches in the 41st International Eucharistic Congress of the Roman Catholic Church. These materials have appeared separately in issues of Ecumenical Trends, a monthly newsletter of news and documentation published by the Graymoor Ecumenical Institute, Garrison, N.Y.

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