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Because of the death of Pope Paul VI, the Commission had to postpone the meeting originally planned for the end of August 1978. It met at Salisbury from January 12-20, 1979. The Commission continued its work on the reactions received after the publication of its three reports on the Eucharist, the Ministry and the Authority. At Salisbury, it concentrated on the first two themes, Eucharist and Ministry, with a view to clarifying and expressing more fully certain points which some had judged obscure. It should be remembered that these documents were published to stimulate comment and criticism and to involve a wider circle of theologians in the current dialogue. The documents that have been published are the expression of a stage in the development of this dialogue and, as has been said before, carry no authority other than that of the theologians who drew them up.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has sent to the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity its criticisms and reservations regarding the document on “Authority in the Church” (The Venice statement). These comments have been passed in to the Commission which will give them particular attention, in view of the source from which they come, at the next meeting which will be held from August 28 to September 6, 1979.