News & Opinion


IARCCUM bishops from Ireland, Rt Rev Adrian Wilkinson, bishop of Cashel, Ferns & Ossory, and Most Rev Niall Coll, bishop of Ossory. Bishop pairs from 27 countries were commissioned by Pope Francis and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby at the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls
Bishop voices ‘sadness’ at continuing eucharistic separation (21 Jan 2025)

Members of IASCUFO meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Anglican Communion starts ‘long process of resolution’ (3 Jan 2025)

Members of IASCUFO meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
IASCUFO Communiqué: ‘Facing our theological differences more productively’ (18 Dec 2024)

Participants in the IARCCUM gathering 'New Steps on an Ancient Pilgrimage' (October 2, 2016)
Living Ecumenism: Communion in Mission | One Body (9 Dec 2024)

The annual Informal Talks between the Anglican Communion and the Catholic Church were held in London this year
Annual Anglican-Catholic Informal Talks (9 Dec 2024)

December ~ 2003 ~ Anglican-Roman Catholic news & opinion

The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Commission
18 December 2003 • Persistent link:

The full Commission will meet as a whole on three occasions: in February; June; and September 2004. It intends to complete its initial report on the nature, extent and consequences of Impaired Communion in the Anglican Communion as a result of recent developments by the end of September 2004 for submission to the Archbishop of Canterbury in October. Intensive work will also be commissioned from individual members of the Commission and others, and undertaken beyond the main sessions set out above.

As required by its mandate, the Commission will begin by considering recent work elsewhere on the issue of Communion. It will give primary consideration to the resolutions of the Lambeth Conferences of 1988 and 1998 on this issue, together with a consideration of what has been achieved in the Grindrod, Eames and Virginia Reports, which addressed matters of Communion, particularly in relation then to the issue of the ordination of women to the episcopate. It will also wish to give especial attention to the recent work of the Inter Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission on the theological nature of Communion, and the various statements and pastoral letters issued by the Primates at their recent meetings.

There are no plans at this stage to hold sessions of the Commission in public, but it is felt that it will be important for the work of the Commission to be as open as possible. For this reason, evidence considered by the Commission will generally be published on the web site associated with the Commission, and it is intended to publish interim reports of the work of the Commission following each plenary session. Specific submissions to the Commission will be invited from particular groups or individuals, both in written form and by the reception of evidence in interview, either at plenary sessions, or at subsidiary meetings and sub-committees. The Initial Report in its final form will not be published until it has been received formally by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Australian primate to co-chair Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue
9 December 2003 • Persistent link:

The Most Revd Peter Carnley, Primate of Australia, has been asked to fill the post of co-chair of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Rowan D Williams.

Archbishop Carney was a member of the “Eames Commission” on women in the episcopate and has served the Anglican Communion in varying tasks over the years.

He has served as a member of the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM), since its inception, and took part in the Mississauga consultation of May 2000, which reflected on the work of ARCIC over the past three decades and issued the texts “Communion in Mission” and the “Action Plan”.

Anglican provinces declare ‘impaired’ or ‘broken’ relationship with ECUSA
9 December 2003 • Persistent link:

Since the consecration of Gene Robinson as bishop of New Hampshire on November 2, nine of the 38 worldwide Anglican provinces have declared themselves to be in “impaired” or “broken communion” with all or part of the Episcopal Church in the United States.

The latest to assert its disassociation is the Province of South East Asia, one of the Communion’s most conservative churches. The province includes Anglicans in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Nepal.

In a statement, the province said that it did not recognise the ministry of Gene Robinson “as a Bishop in the Anglican Church. We are no longer in communion with the Presiding Bishop of ECUSA and all those Bishops and Dioceses who voted for the confirmation of Dr [sic] Gene Robinson’s election and those who joined in the consecration of the same…. If ECUSA refuses to repent, we will commit ourselves through our Primate to work with like-minded Primates for the realignment of the Anglican Communion.”