News & Opinion


Members of the official Anglican–Roman Catholic International Commission pose for a photo during their meeting May 11-18, 2024, in Strasbourg, France. Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham, England, center left, is the Catholic co-chair of the commission, and Archbishop Philip Freier of Melbourne, Australia, center right, is the Anglican co-chair
Anglican-Catholic dialogue examines churches’ ethical teachings (29 May 2024)

The members of ARCIC III gathered in Strasbourg, France for their annual meeting
ARCIC III meets in Strasbourg (28 May 2024)

Pope Francis gives a gift to Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury during a meeting with Anglican primates in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican. The Pope's gift to Archbishop Welby was a bronze icon of the Mother of God, in the style of the image in Santa Maria Maggiore before which Pope Francis prays before and after all his trips, Maria Salus Populi Romani
Meeting Anglican primates, Pope Francis talks about overcoming divisions (2 May 2024)

Pope Francis gives a gift to Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury during a meeting with Anglican primates in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican. The Pope's gift to Archbishop Welby was a bronze icon of the Mother of God, in the style of the image in Santa Maria Maggiore before which Pope Francis prays before and after all his trips, Maria Salus Populi Romani
Pope to Anglican bishops: ‘Patient dialogue’ needed on papal primacy (2 May 2024)

The Primates of the Anglican Communion meeting in Rome had an audience with Pope Francis
Anglican Primates enjoy historic meeting with Pope Francis (2 May 2024)

2019 ~ Anglican-Roman Catholic news & opinion

Pope Francis and Archbishop Justin Welby host a spiritual retreat for the political and religious leaders of South Sudan
12 April 2019 • Persistent link:
On April 10 and 11, Pope Francis, Archbishop Justin Welby, and Rev. John Chalmers (Church of Scotland) led a retreat for the political and religious leaders of South Sudan

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Right Reverend Justin Welby led a retreat with Pope Francis in Casa Santa Marta this week (10-11 April) for the political leaders of South Sudan. The Reverend John Chalmers, former Moderator of the Church of Scotland was also in attendance. The ecumenical retreat was the fruit of an unprecedented collaborative effort by Lambeth Palace and the Secretariat of State.

Pope Francis: peace, light, and hope are possible in South Sudan
11 April 2019 • Persistent link:

A remarkable, spontaneous gesture. Breaking protocol, at the conclusion of his remarks at the end of the spiritual retreat, Pope Francis fell to his knees, kissing the feet of South Sudan’s civil authorities.

“To the three of you who signed the Peace Agreement, I ask you, as a brother, remain in peace”, the Pope said. “I ask you from the heart. Let us move forward. There will be many problems, but don’t be afraid, go forward, resolve the problems”. In impromptu remarks following his address, Pope Francis said, “You have started a process; may it end well. Although struggles will arise, he said, these should stay “within the office”. However in public, he said, “before the people: [keep your] hands united”. In this way, the Pope said, “from simple citizens, you will become Fathers of the Nation”.

Spiritual retreat with South Sudan leaders in Vatican: time to choose life
11 April 2019 • Persistent link:
On April 10 and 11, Pope Francis, Archbishop Justin Welby, and Rev. John Chalmers (Church of Scotland) led a retreat for the political and religious leaders of South Sudan

A Spiritual Retreat involving civil and ecclesiastical authorities of South Sudan is held in the Vatican, and is opened by the Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin. Reflections include a meditation centered on the national anthem of Africa’s youngest country.

A time of grace dedicated to reflection and prayer, to ask God “for a future of peace and prosperity for the people of South Sudan”. In the words of the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, this is the meaning of the spiritual retreat currently underway in the Vatican, at the Casa Santa Marta.

Statement from Notre Dame Consultation: Visible Unity and Common Witness
4 March 2019 • Persistent link:
The representatives of five Christian World Communions - Anglicans, Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists and the Reformed - at the Notre Dame Consultation

Participants at a historic gathering of church leaders from five Christian World Communions have issued a statement recommitting themselves to communicating the biblical message of salvation in new ways to contemporary society. We “wish to make more visible our common witness, in worship and service, on our journey together towards visible unity, walking together, praying together and working together.”

The meeting, which took place at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, United States from 26 to 28 March, brought together ecumenists from the five global Christian communions who have affirmed the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ). That landmark agreement was originally signed by leaders of the Catholic Church and The Lutheran World Federation in 1999 and has since been broadened to include the World Methodist Council, the Anglican Communion and the World Communion of Reformed Churches.

In the statement, participants say that their churches witness to the fact that through the JDDJ process “centuries-old controversies” are being overcome. They underline the urgency of bringing this witness of reconciliation to a “broken, divided and contentious world” and they pledge to “communicate this message to people of our time in meaningful and relevant ways through our common witness and service.”

Anglican and Roman Catholic Archbishops of Dublin appeal for return of The Crusader’s head
28 February 2019 • Persistent link:
Archbishops Diarmuid Martin and Michael Jackson – the Roman Catholic and Anglican Archbishops of Dublin – outside the crypt of St Michan’s Church in Dublin, which was attached at the weekend by intruders who vandalised and stole mummified human remains

An ecumenical appeal for the return of the mummified head of an 800-year-old body known as “The Crusader” has been made by the Anglican and Roman Catholic Archbishops of Dublin. The head was stolen during a raid on the crypt of St Michan’s Church in Dublin at the weekend. The crypt, a popular tourist attraction, contained other mummified remains, including the 400-year-old remains of a nun, which were also vandalised in the attack. Since news of the attack first broke earlier this week, it has emerged that the intruders also broke into the family vault of William Rowan Hamilton, the 19th-century mathematician whose studies paved the way for quantum theory and stole another skull.

Yesterday (Wednesday) the Church of Ireland and Roman Catholic Archbishops of Dublin, Michael Jackson and Diarmuid Martin, made a joint visit to the crypt to see the damage alongside Assistant Garda (police) Commissioner Pat Leahy. Afterwards, they issued a joint appeal for the return of the remains.

Archbishop decries desecration as vandals steal mummified head from Dublin church’s crypt
25 February 2019 • Persistent link:
The mummified remains in the crypt of St Michan’s Church in Dublin

Thieves have stolen the head from an 800-year-old mummified body, known as “The Crusader” from the crypt of a church in the Irish capital Dublin. The vandals responsible also damaged other human remains in the attack on St Michan’s Church in Church Street, Dublin. The church is a popular tourist destination attracting visitors who come to see the mummified remains in the crypt. The vandalism was discovered shortly before lunchtime today (Monday) as volunteers were preparing to open the crypt for visitors.

In a statement, the Church of Ireland said that the body of The Crusader was overturned and its head taken. They say that the crypt was badly damaged and other remains, including the 400-year-old remains of a nun, were desecrated in the attack.

“I am shocked that someone would target this ancient burial place and desecrate the remains of those lying within it”, the Archbishop of Dublin, Michael Jackson, said. “Not only have these individuals desecrated the sacred crypt but they have destroyed these historic mummies which have been preserved in St Michan’s for hundreds of years.

“I would appeal to those responsible to examine their consciences and return the head of The Crusader to its rightful place.”

Anglican Communion’s ecumenical expert chosen as new President of Thorneloe University
21 January 2019 • Persistent link:
The Revd Canon Dr John Gibaut

The Revd Canon Dr John Gibaut, currently Director of Unity, Faith and Order at the Anglican Communion Office, is to leave his current role to become President, Provost and Vice-Chancellor of Canada’s Thorneloe University. Dr Gibaut will take up his new role on 1 June, after the next meeting of the triennial Anglican Consultative Council in Hong Kong. Thorneloe University is a founding member of the Laurentian University Federation on the campus of Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.

In his current role, Dr Gibaut has been the lead Anglican Communion staffer on ecumenical dialogues with other Church families. He has also been the lead advisor on theological issues and on inter-Anglican dialogue. He came to the Anglican Communion from the World Council of Churches, the international ecumenical organisation based in Geneva, Switzerland.

Prior to these two international appointments, Dr Gibaut was an administrator and professor in the Faculty of Theology at Saint Paul University, a bilingual institution federated with the University of Ottawa. From 1994 to 2003, he served as the faculty’s Director of Anglican Studies.

Joint Meeting of Catholic and Anglican Bishops
17 January 2019 • Persistent link:
27 Catholic bishops of England and Wales and 27 Church of England bishops met in Leicester from 16 to 17 January for their biennial conference

The Catholic bishops of England and Wales and Church of England bishops met in Leicester from 16 to 17 January for their biennial conference. Together 27 Catholic and 27 Anglican bishops explored a diverse range of subjects including opportunities for closer collaboration at a regional and national level. Cardinal Vincent Nichols and Archbishops Justin Welby and John Sentamu were present throughout. Cardinal Nichols and Archbishop Welby addressed the gathering.

Leicester capital of ecumenism for two-day meeting between Anglicans and Catholics
14 January 2019 • Persistent link:
27 Catholic bishops of England and Wales and 27 Church of England bishops met in Leicester from 16 to 17 January for their biennial conference

Fifty bishops – 25 Anglicans and 25 Catholics – will convene in the British city next January 16-17. Rev Worthen told SIR: “Spirituality, theology and coexistence will be the ingredients of the meeting” that with a tight agenda: liturgy and debates with the spotlight on the Declaration “Walking Together On The Way.” Next January 16 and 17 fifty bishops, half of them Catholic and half of them Anglican, will convene in Leicester, central England, a city with an important tradition of interreligious dialogue, for a two-day ecumenical meeting.

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