Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission – ARCIC-I (1970-1982)
ARCIC-I Catalogue
Is the Catalogue an accession list? The catalogue was maintained by the co-secretaries of ARCIC-I, and protocol numbers were generally assigned in chronological order by accession date. The original publication date of documents does not affect their protocol numbers. The catalogue is essentially complete as an accession list, but documents discovered during the development of were inserted retroactively into the chronological sequence. These documents do not have protocol numbers.
What are supplemental files? Although most documents received a protocol number, some were deemed “supplemental” (designated here as “ARCIC sf”) although the determination as to what is supplemental is not consistent. There are a few documents in the ARCIC-I fonds that were not given a protocol number or a supplemental file number by the co-secretaries. The archivist has not assigned ARCIC SF protocol numbers to these documents.
Is the catalogue available sorted by category? Yes, the complete ARCIC-I fonds is sorted by document type. A future “thematic index” is also planned.
NOTE: For a brief period before its first meeting, ARCIC was known as the Anglican-Roman Catholic Permanent Joint Commission and it is for this reason that the papers prepared for the first meeting, nos. 1-6, have the protocol ‘ARCPJC’. This was changed at the first meeting of ARCIC because it caused confusion with the Joint Preparatory Commission, ARCJPC.
Status of agreed statements
Agreed statements have been agreed by the dialogue members and submitted to the sponsoring churches for study.
These texts express the careful considerations of the members of the dialogue but are not official statements of either of the churches.
Copyright in minutes, statements and other core papers is owned by the Commission and requests for extensive quotation or use should be directed to the co-Chairs. However, copyright in papers by named authors remains with the author.
ARCPJC 1: “Preparatory Meeting for the Anglican/Roman Catholic Permanent Joint Commission: Dublin, 10th May 1969”.
ARCPJC 2: “Anglican/Roman Catholic Relations since January 1968”.
ARCPJC 3: “Fundamentals: A joint examination of the Anglican and Roman Catholic positions” by the Rt. Revd. Edward G. Knapp-Fisher, Bishop of Pretoria, and the Revd. Fr. Edmund Hill, OP.
ARCPJC 4: “The Church, Intercommunion, and the Ministry” by the Revd. Prof. Arthur A. Vogel.
ARCPJC 4A: “The Church, Intercommunion and the Ministry” by the Revd. Fr. J. M. R. Tillard, OP.
ARCPJC 5: “Some observations on Authority, its Nature, Exercise and Implications” by the Very Revd. Henry Chadwick.
ARCPJC 5A: “Authority in the Church” by Bishop Christopher Butler.
ARCPJC 6: “Growing Together: An Assessment of the opportunities for collaboration between the two Churches” by Canon William Purdy and Professor Howard Root.
ARCIC 7: Press Release after the first meeting at St. George’s House, Windsor.
ARCIC 8: Confidential Report made by the Bishop of Ossory (Henry McAdoo) to the Archbishop of Canterbury on the First Meeting of the Commission.
ARCIC 9: Working draft produced by the Sub-Commission on the Eucharist at Windsor.
ARCIC 10: Working draft produced by the Sub-Commission on the Ministry at Windsor.
ARCIC 11: Working draft produced by the Sub-Commission on the Church and Authority at Windsor.
ARCIC 11-2: “Some thoughts on the infallibility of conciliar and papal definitions” by Fr. Edward Yarnold, SJ
ARCIC 12: “The Eucharist”: A working paper prepared by the Anglican/Roman Catholic Commission, Southern Africa, May 1970, on the basis of the document The Eucharist issued by the International Commission at Windsor, January 1970.
ARCIC 13: “The Making, Commending and Enforcement of Moral Judgments within the Church: An Essay by a Church of England Man” by Professor G. R. Dunstan.
ARCIC 14: “The Relations of Men and Women: An Anglican view as seen from within the Church of England” by Professor G. R. Dunstan.
ARCIC 14A: Draft Statement on Marriage by Professor G. R. Dunstan.
ARCIC 15: “Ministry in a Divided Church: a position paper prepared for ARCIC by Herbert J Ryan, SJ.
ARCIC 16: “The Relations of Men and Women” by Fr. Maurice O’Leary.
ARCIC 17: “The Sources of Moral Knowledge within the Roman Catholic Perspective” by Msgr. Philippe Delhaye.
ARCIC 18: Sub-Commission on the Church and Authority: papers prepared for Venice:
ARCIC 19: Press Release form the Second Meeting at Venice, September 1970.
ARCIC 20: Working Paper produced by the Sub-Commission on “Church and Authority” at Venice and published in Theology and The Clergy Review, February 1971.
ARCIC 21: Working Paper produced by the Sub-Commission on “Church and Eucharist” at Venice and published in Theology and The Clergy Review, February 1971.
ARCIC 22: Working Paper produced by the Sub-Commission on “Church and Ministry” at Venice and published in Theology and The Clergy Review, February 1971.
ARCIC 23: Confidential Report made by the Bishop of Ossory (Henry McAdoo) to the Archbishop of Canterbury on the Second Meeting of the Commission, September 1970.
ARCIC 24: A Catalogue of Papers presented at Conferences of Anglican Commissions for Dialogue with Foreign Churches (January 1971).
ARCIC 25: Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogues: The International Commission and National and Local Dialogues in Great Britain (January 1971).
ARCIC 26: National Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogues
ARCIC 27: “The Venice Conversations” (Published version of the working papers produced at Venice on “Church and Authority”, “Church and Ministry” and “Church and Eucharist”).
ARCIC 28: Sub-Commission on “The Notion of Sacrifice in the Eucharist in Anglican and Roman Catholic Theology”: Papers presented by the Sub-Commission. Secretaries: Revd. Dr. R. J. Halliburton and Revd. Fr. E. J. Yarnold, SJ.
ARCIC 29: Sub-Commission on “The Real Presence in Anglican and Roman Catholic Theology”
ARCIC 30: Sub-Commission on Eucharistic Rites: Anglican and Roman Catholic Rites Examined and Compared.
ARCIC 31: Papers from the Norwich meeting
ARCIC 32: Some Comments on the Venice Papers compiled by the Revd. Colin Davey.
ARCIC 33A: Report on Anglican-Roman Catholic National Commissions, 1970-71.
ARCIC 33B: Report of South African Anglican/Roman Catholic Commission on a Sociological Survey.
ARCIC 33C: “Growing Together: A Proposed Enquiry” by Canon W. A. Purdy.
ARCIC 33D: Anglican/Roman Catholic Relations: Report made by a visitor to Rome in June 1971.
ARCIC 34: “Prospects for Reunion” by the Bishop of Ripon (John Moorman).
ARCIC 35: “Chairman’s Address” delivered by the Bishop of Ossory (Henry McAdoo) at the opening of the Windsor 1971 meeting.
ARCIC 36: Documentation on Authority compiled by the Revd. Fr. E. J. Yarnold, SJ.
ARCIC 37: “The Primacy of Jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff according to the First Vatican Council: a working paper presented to ARC IX (January 26-29 1971)” by the Revd. Fr. Herbert Ryan, SJ.
ARCIC 38: Drafting on Eucharist:
ARCIC 39A: Resolution on Intercommunion by Sub-Commission 1.
ARCIC 39B: Note on Intercommunion by the Revd. Fr. E. J. Yarnold, SJ.
ARCIC 40: “An Ecumenical, International and Sociological Survey of the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches”: A Proposal made to ARCIC by the Revd. Eugene J. Schallert, SJ.
ARCIC 40-3: A comment on Canon Purdy’s Paper “Growing Together” by the Revd. Dr. H. R. Smythe.
ARCIC 41: “Decisions and Resolutions of the Commission”.
ARCIC 41B: Press release (3rd meeting of ARCIC)
ARCIC 42: “Anglican Orders” by the Revd. Fr. Jerome Smith, OP.
ARCIC 43: Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission: Address List at 1/1/72.
ARCIC 44: Catalogue of Papers relating to the ARCJPC and the ARCIC (early draft of the current list).
ARCIC 45A: ARC XI’s Comment on the Windsor Statement: 24th January 1972.
ARCIC 45B: Statement by ARC XI on Doctrinal Agreement and Christian Unity: January 23rd 1972.
ARCIC 46: Report of Oxford Sub-Commission on Ministry in the New Testament.
ARCIC 47: “La Qualité ‘Sacerdotale’ du Ministère Chrétien” by the Revd. Fr. J. M. R. Tillard, OP.
ARCIC 48-1: “Some Notes Towards the Definition of the Office of Bishop in the Church of God” by the Revd. Dr. H. R. Smythe.
ARCIC 48-2: “Authority and Ministry in Theory and Practice: An Anglican View” by Max M. Thomas.
ARCIC 48-3: Summary of Paper on “Apostolic Succession” by Crawford Miller.
ARCIC 48-4: “The Reformation Issues” by Clement Tierney.
ARCIC 48-5: “The Function of the Minister in the Eucharistic Celebration: An Ecumenical Approach” by the Revd. Fr. George H. Tavard, AA.
ARCIC 48-6: “The Minister of the Eucharist” by the Revd. Professor William J. Wolf.
ARCIC 48-7: “Present Roman Catholic Theology of Ministry: An Overview” by the Revd. Fr. Walter J. Burghardt, SJ.
ARCIC 48-8: “Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations in the USA: A Pastoral Approach to Unity” by the Rt. Revd. Thomas A. Fraser, Bishop of North Carolina.
ARCIC 48-9: “Apostolicity and Ministry” by the Revd. Professor Reginald H. Fuller.
ARCIC 49: “The Recognition of Ministry” by the Revd. Fr. George Tavard, AA.
ARCIC 50: “The Ministry”: A Working Paper by the Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission, Southern Africa.
ARCIC 51: Agreed Statement on the Eucharist & Commentaries
ARCIC 52-1: “Report on Approaching the problem of Anglican Orders” by the Very Revd. Canon W. A. Purdy and the Revd. Canon J. Findlow.
ARCIC 52-2: “A Rescue for Anglican Orders?” by the Revd. Fr. M. Bévenot, SJ.
ARCIC 52-3: “Réflexion d’un théologien” by Yves Congar, Unité des Chrétiens 7 (juillet 1972): 15-20
ARCIC 53: “Report on Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations, 1971-72” by the Revd. David Chaplin.
ARCIC 54: Summary of Fr. Congar’s article “Réflexion d’un théologien” by the Rt. Revd. Alan Clark.
ARCIC 54-2: “Report on the Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission on the Theology of Marriage and its Application to Mixed Marriages” by Prebendary Henry Cooper.
ARCIC 54A: Third Report of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission on the Theology of Marriage and its Application to Mixed Marriages: Ecclesiology, pastoral and juridical problems (originally ARCCM 11A)
ARCIC 55: Report of the ARCIC Sub-Commission on Ministry’s Meeting at Woodstock: 22nd-26th May 1972.
ARCIC 56: Sub-Commission on the Eucharist: Gazzada: August 27-30, 1972: Report on the Reactions to the Windsor Agreement.
ARCIC 57D: Sub-Commission on the Eucharist: Press Release following meeting in Gazzada, August 27-30, 1972
ARCIC 58: “Eye-Witness: Witness” by the Rt. Revd. B. C. Butler, OSB.
ARCIC 59: Documents on Ministry:
ARCIC 60: Apostolicity
ARCIC 61: Ministry: Subjects for Study
ARCIC 62: Agenda for Business Meeting at Gazzada, 30th August-7th September 1972.
ARCIC 63: Anglican-Lutheran International Conversations: Report of the Conversations 1970-1972
ARCIC 64: “The Deeper Implications of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue”, by the Revd. Fr. J. M. R. Tillard, OP, published in One in Christ 8, no.3 (1972).
ARCIC 65: Minutes of the Meeting at Gazzada, 30th August-7th September 1972.
ARCIC 66: “The Ordained Ministry in Ecumenical Perspective” (World Council of Churches’ Commission on Faith and Order).
ARCIC 67: Southern Africa Sub-Commission: “Ordination”
ARCIC 68: Oxford Sub-Commission: “Apostolic Succession” (and its relation to the Apostolicity of Christ, of the Apostles and of the Church).
ARCIC 69: North American Sub-Commission: “Ministerial Priesthood in relation to Christ and the Church”.
ARCIC 70A: Comments on ARCIC Sub-Commissions’ Drafts from J. J. Scarisbrick
ARCIC 70B: Comments by Fr. Georges Tavard on the Final Draft Paper “Apostolic Succession” drawn up by the Oxford Sub-Commission
ARCIC 70C: Comments by the Southern Africa Commission on the Draft Paper on :Apostolic Succession” drawn up by the Oxford Sub-Commission
ARCIC 70D: Comments by Fr. Barnabas Lindars on the Final Draft Paper on “Apostolic Succession” drawn up by the Oxford Sub-Commission
ARCIC 70E: Comment on the Draft Paper “Apostolic Succession” by The Revd. Fr. Henry Wansbrough, O.S.B.
ARCIC 70F: Comments by the Revd. Dr. R. J. Halliburton on the Draft Paper on “Ordination” (May 1973) drawn up by the Southern Africa Commission and on the Draft Paper on “Ministerial Priesthood in Relation to Christ and the Church” drawn up by the North American Sub-Commission
ARCIC 70G: Comments by Fr. Georges Tavard on the Draft Paper on “Ministerial Priesthood in Relation to Christ and the Church” drawn up by the North American Sub-Commission
ARCIC 71: “Poringland Draft Statement on the Ministry”
ARCIC 72: Minutes of Poringland Meeting, 11th-15th June 1973.
ARCIC 73: “Ministry: A Schema for Discussion” by Bishop Clark.
ARCIC 74: “A Draft Statement on Ministry” by Bishop McAdoo.
ARCIC 75: “A Theological Approach to Ministerial Authority” by George Tavard.
ARCIC 76-1: Report of the Joint Lutheran-Roman Catholic Study Commission on “The Gospel and the Church” (The Malta Report)
ARCIC 76-2: Report of the Joint Commission between the Roman Catholic Church and the Methodist World Council, 1967-1970.
ARCIC 76-3: Six propositions of International Theological Commission on “The Priestly Ministry”
ARCIC 76-4: Synod of Bishops, “The Ministerial Priesthood”
ARCIC 77: Study Documents in Preparation for Canterbury
ARCIC 78: “Apostolic Succession in the New Testament” by the Revd. Fr. Barnabas Ahern, CP.
ARCIC 79: “A note on the Poringland Draft” and a “Tentative draft for a Statement on Ministry” by Fr. George Tavard.
ARCIC 80: “Reactions to the Poringland Draft Statement on Ministry” by the Revd. Fr. Barnabas Ahern, CP.
ARCIC 81: Report on the Current Work of National Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogues and Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations in the Countries Concerned, 1972-73.
ARCIC 82: “Offering/Sacrifice in Eucharistic Prayers” by Fr. S. Marsili, OSB.
ARCIC 82A: “Memorial-Anamnesis in the Eucharistic Prayer”, by Fr. S. Marsili, OSB.
ARCIC 82B: Canones de sacramento ordinis (Canons on the Sacrament of Orders, Council of Trent)
ARCIC 83: “Notes on Approaching the Question of Church and Authority” by Msgr. W. A. Purdy.
ARCIC 84: Minutes of ARCIC Meeting at Canterbury 28th August-6th September 1973.
ARCIC 84A: Agenda and Minutes of Business Meeting, Sunday, September 2nd 1973.
ARCIC 84B: Extract from ACC-2 Dublin Report: Anglican-Roman Catholic Conversations and Resolution 5: ARCIC Statement on the Eucharist.
ARCIC 84C: Fourth Report of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission on the Theology of Marriage and its Application to Mixed Marriages (originally ARCCM-22).
ARCIC 84D: Communiqué of the Anglican-Orthodox Joint Doctrinal Discussions held at Hertford College from the 6th-13th July 1973 (also labelled AOJDD-70).
ARCIC 85: Ministry and Ordination: A Statement on the Doctrine of the Ministry agreed by the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, Canterbury 1973
Draft texts for “Ministry and Ordination”, Canterbury 1973
ARCIC 86: Communiqué.
ARCIC 87: Press Release on Anglican-Roman Catholic Agreed Statement on the Doctrine of the Ministry (embargoed for 13th December 1973).
ARCIC 87A: Presentation of “Ministry and Ordination” by the Co-Chairmen.
ARCIC 88: “Ministry and Ordination: A Statement on the Doctrine of the Ministry Agreed by the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, Canterbury 1973”, with an Introduction by the Co-Chairmen and an Appendix by the Revd. Colin Davey (SPCK, 1973).
ARCIC 89: “Ministry and Ordination: A Statement on the Doctrine of the Ministry Agreed by the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, Canterbury 1973”. The official text, together with an introduction and commentary by the Rt. Revd. Alan C. Clark, Bishop of Elmham , Roman Catholic Co-Chairman of ARCIC. (Roman Catholic Ecumenical Commission of England and Wales)
ARCIC 90: “Agreement on the Doctrine of the Ministry”. The Anglican/Roman Catholic Statement on Ministry and Ordination (with Historical Appendix) with Theological Commentary and ‘Notes on Apostolic Succession’ by Julian W. Charley. (Grove Books, no. 22)
ARCIC 91A: A reply by Fr. Ahern to Msgr. Purdy’s paper “Approaching the problem of Church and Authority” (ARCIC 83).
ARCIC 91B: A comment by Bishop Knapp-Fisher on Msgr. Purdy’s paper “Approaching the problem of Church and Authority”.
ARCIC 91C: A comment by Bishop Butler on Msgr. Purdy’s paper “Approaching the problem of Church and Authority”.
ARCIC 91D: “The Church and Authority” by the Revd. Dr. Harry R. Smythe.
ARCIC 92: “Authority and Ecclesiology”: Some notes by the Revd. Dr. R. J. Halliburton.
ARCIC 93: “Subjects for Inclusion in the Study of Church and Authority”.
ARCIC 94: “Bibliography on Church and Authority”.
ARCIC 95: Anglican/Roman Catholic Commission Southern Africa: “Authority: A Working Schema”.
ARCIC 95A: Anglican/Roman Catholic Commission Southern Africa: “Authority in the Bible. Source Paper”.
ARCIC 96: “Vatican II’s Ecclesiology” by Bishop B. C. Butler.
ARCIC 97-1: “News from the English Churches”, by the Revd. Dr. P. Staples (Bulletin No. 1, January 1974).
ARCIC 97-2: “The British Council of Churches Division of Ecumenical Affairs: Ministry and Ordination. Report of a Consultation held at Wesley College, Bristol, 1-2 April 1974”.
ARCIC 97-3: Comments on the Statement on Ministry made by the Church of England Evangelical Council, April 1974.
ARCIC 97-4: Ministry and Ordination I. “The Background to the Agreed Statement” by Edward P. Echlin (Ampleforth Journal, Spring 1974).
ARCIC 97-5: Ministry and Ordination II. “Anglican Orders: A New Context” by Portal Mercier (Ampleforth Journal, Spring 1974).
ARCIC 97-6: “Priesthood: Another Realm of the Gifts of the Spirit: Debate on the Meaning of the Canterbury Statement, Section 13”, by Fr. Alberic Stacpoole, OSB (Ampleforth Journal, Autumn 1974).
ARCIC 98: “The Primacy: The Small Print of Vatican I” by Garrett Sweeney (The Clergy Review 54, February 1974).
ARCIC 99-1: “The Status of Ecumenical Councils in Anglican Thought” by Professor Henry Chadwick.
ARCIC 99-2: “The Authority of Scripture in the recent Practice of the Church of England, Pts. I & II” by the Revd. Canon S. L. Greenslade.
ARCIC 99-3-1: “Comprehensiveness and the Mission of the Church” by A. M. Allchin
ARCIC 99-3-2: “A Marginal Note on Comprehensiveness” by R. P. C. Hanson
ARCIC 99-3-3: “The Thirty-Nine Articles” by A. M. Allchin.
ARCIC 100: Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue Group: Joint Statement on Papal Primacy.
ARCIC 101: “The Nature of Schism: How Complete can it Ever Be? What does it Do? How can it be Healed?” by Bishop B. C. Butler.
ARCIC 102: “The Church as Eucharistic Communion” by the Revd. Fr. George Tavard, AA. (Paper presented to U. S. ARC January 1974).
ARCIC 103: “Koinonia as the basis of New Testament Ecclesiology?” by the Revd. Fr. Schuyler Brown, SJ.
ARCIC 103A: “Notes on Koinos and the Koinon words in the New Testament” by the Revd. Timothy J. Hallett
ARCIC 103A-1: “Koinonia: the Apostolic Fathers” by the Revd. L. William Countryman
ARCIC 104: “Pastor Aeternus” by the Revd. Fr. Herbert Ryan, SJ.
ARCIC 105: “Infallibility – A Secular Assessment” by P. J. Fitzpatrick.
ARCIC 106: The ‘Thou Art Peter’ Pericope and the Easter Appearances” by the Revd. Professor Reginald H. Fuller.
ARCIC 107: “The New Testament Basis for a Petrine Office, Peculiar to Peter Himself within the Apostolic College and Community” by Prof. The Rt. Revd. R. P. C. Hanson.
ARCIC 108: “Some Reflections on Magisterium in the Early Church” by the Very Revd. Dr. Henry Chadwick.
ARCIC 109: “The Redemptive Authority of Christ”: A Working Paper by the Anglican/Roman Catholic Commission, Southern Africa.
ARCIC 110: “Some Notes on Indefectibility and Infallibility” by English ARC.
ARCIC 111: “Mysterium Ecclesiae: An Anglican Comment” by the Revd. Dr. E. L. Mascall.
ARCIC 112: “An Examination of Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum) as an Authoritative Description of the Authority of Scripture” by the Revd. Dr. Harry McSorley.
ARCIC 112A: “Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation: An Anglican Response regarding Scripture and Church” by the Revd. Dr. W. N. McKeachie.
ARCIC 112B: Letter from the Canadian Catholic Conference to accompany ARCIC 112 and ARCIC 112A.
ARCIC 113: “An Examination of Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum) as an authoritative description of the authority of Scripture” by the Revd. Dr. Raymond Pelly.
ARCIC 114: “The Canterbury Statement on Ministry and Ordination: Report and Summary of Comments received at the Secretariat” compiled by Msgr W. A. Purdy.
ARCIC 114A: “A Report on Some Reactions to the Canterbury Statement” by the Revd Colin Davey.
ARCIC 114B: Bibliography of Comments on the Statement on Ministry
ARCIC 114C: “Observations on ‘A Statement on the Doctrine of the Ministry’ Agreed by the Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission” from the Canadian Catholic Conference.
ARCIC 115: “Ecclesiology in the Light of Vatican II” by the Oxford Sub-Commission.
ARCIC 116: “Sensus Fidelium” by the Revd. Fr. J. M. R. Tillard, OP.
ARCIC 117: “Authoritarian Language: Some Currents of Thought” by the Revd. Fr. W. Ellos, SJ.
ARCIC 118: “The ‘Limuru Principle’ and Church Unity” by the Revd. Professor G. W. H. Lampe.
ARCIC 119: “Bemerkungen zur Unfehlbarkeitsfrage auf dem Hintergrund der anglikanisch/ römisch-katholischen Diskussion in frühen 17. Jahrhundert” by the Revd. Fr. Johannes Lütticken, OSB.
ARCIC 120: Report on Anglican/Roman Catholic Relations and National Anglican/Roman Catholic Dialogues, 1973-74″ by the Revd. Colin Davey.
ARCIC 121: “Canon Law and Oecumenical Relations” by Professor the Revd. Canon G. R. Dunstan.
ARCIC 122: Johannes Lütticken – Commentary on the Working Papers of ARCIC, Venice 1970 (with special reference to ARCIC 20 – the Church and Authority – and to the discussion of the Petrine Office): précis in English by the Revd. Dr. John Halliburton.
ARCIC 122A: Notes for the Preparation of the Final (Fifth) Report of the Anglican/Roman Catholic Commission on the Theology of Marriage and its Application to Mixed Marriages (also entitled ARCCM-32).
ARCIC 123: Correspondence between Mr. John N. Collins and Bishop Clark, July and August 1974.
ARCIC 124: Minutes of the Meeting at Grottaferrata, 27th August-5th September 1974.
ARCIC 124A: Agenda and Minutes of the Business Meeting of 3rd September 1974.
ARCIC 124-I: Sub-Commission drafts
ARCIC 125: Press release (6th meeting of ARCIC, Grottaferrata, Italy, 27 August to 5 September 1974))
ARCIC 126: Text of an Address to the General Synod of the Church of England by the Rt. Revd. Alan Clark, 7th November 1974.
ARCIC 127: “Note for the Oxford Meeting on Church and Authority” from the meeting at Poringland, 11th-15th December 1974.
ARCIC 127A: “A Short Note on Koinonia from the meeting at Poringland, 11th-15th December 1974.
ARCIC 128: “Authority in the New Testament” by the Anglican/Roman Catholic Commission, Southern Africa, December 1974.
ARCIC 129: “Papal Authority – Some Problems for Non-Roman Catholics” by the Revd. Dr. R. J. Halliburton.
ARCIC 130: “Charles Gore and Roman Catholic Claims” by the Very Revd. Henry Chadwick (the Charles Gore Memorial Lecture delivered in Westminster Abbey on 12th November 1974, and reprinted in the February 1975 edition of Theology.
ARCIC 131: “Authority and the Christian Conscience” by Bishop Christopher Butler, OSB.
ARCIC 132: Extract from “In the Breaking of the Bread” by P. J. Fitzpatrick.
ARCIC 133: “The Horizon of the ‘Primacy’ of the Bishop of Rome” by Fr. J. M. R. Tillard, OP.
ARCIC 134: “The Concept of Jurisdiction in the Catholic Church” by Professor Giuseppe Alberigo.
ARCIC 135: “The Nature and Exercise of Authority in the Church: notes on the Implications of Anglican Formularies and Theology” by the Bishop of Ossory (Henry McAdoo).
ARCIC 136-1-11: “Schema on Church and Authority”, produced by the ARCIC Sub-Commission meeting at St. Katherine’s, Stepney, 22nd-26th June 1975.
ARCIC 137: “Implications of Infallibility” by Carolyn M. Craft (from Anglican Theological Review, Vol. LVI, No. 4, October 1974).
ARCIC 138: “Report on Anglican/Roman Catholic Relations and National Anglican/Roman Catholic Dialogues” by the Revd. Christopher Hill.
ARCIC 139: “Truth and Authority” by the Very Revd. Henry Chadwick.
ARCIC 139A: H. Cooper notes on the paper ARCIC 139, “Truth and Authority”, by the Very Revd. Henry Chadwick.
ARCIC 140: “Infallibility: a structural analysis” by George Tavard, AA.
ARCIC 141: “Presentation of the St. Katherine’s Schema” by the Revd. Fr. George Tavard, AA.
ARCIC 142: Minutes of the Full Meeting of the Commission at Oxford, 29th August-5th September 1975.
ARCIC 142A: Minutes of the Business Meeting of the Commission, 3rd September 1975.
ARCIC 142B: Press Release, 6 September 1975.
ARCIC 143: “The Context of a Continuation to the St. Katherine’s Schema” by the Revd. Dr. Herbert Ryan, SJ.
ARCIC 144-I: Drafts from Sub-Commission on Truth, Oxford 1975.
ARCIC 144-II: Drafts from Sub-Commission on Unity, Oxford 1975.
ARCIC 145: “The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Observations on the Joint Statement (ARCIC Canterbury 1973) on Ministry and Ordination”.
ARCIC 146: Poringland Document on Church and Authority, February 1976.
ARCIC 148: “Report to ARCIC on its Agreed Statement on ‘Ministry and Ordination’ submitted by the meetings of Representative Bishops (and Consultants) of the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches in Australia, September 5-6 1974 and June 12-13 1975.
ARCIC 149: “Notes on the Direction of the Commission’s Work on Church and Authority and on the Poringland Draft of February 1976 by the Bishop of Ossory (Henry McAdoo).
ARCIC 150: “Notes on the Papacy as Object of Faith” by the Revd. Fr. Georges Tavard, AA.
ARCIC 151: Hengrave document on Church and Authority, June 1976.
ARCIC 152: Report on Anglican/Roman Catholic Relations and National Anglican/Roman Catholic Dialogues, 1975-76.
ARCIC 153: Papal Primacy: An Anglican’s thoughts on the possibility of its acceptance by the Anglican Communion by the Revd. Dr. Eric Jay.
ARCIC 154: The Course of the Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission’s Discussion on Authority.
ARCIC 155: Minutes of the Full Meeting of the Commission at Venice, 24th August-2nd September 1976.
ARCIC 155A: Agenda and Minutes of the Business Meeting at Venice.
ARCIC 155B: Press Release.
ARCIC 156: Drafts of “Authority in the Church”
ARCIC 157: Statement for the Press Conference for the publication of “Authority in the Church” on 18th January 1977 by the Bishop of Ossory (Henry McAdoo).
ARCIC 158: “Agreement on Authority”. The Anglican/Roman Catholic Statement with Introduction and Commentary by the Revd. Julian Charley. Grove Books.
ARCIC 158A: “Authority in the Church” with an Introduction by Bishop Christopher Butler and a Commentary by the Revd. David Miles Board based on conversations with Bishop Alan Clark. Catholic Information Office.
ARCIC 158B: “A Commentary on the Agreed Statement of the Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission, Venice 1976” by E. J. Yarnold, SJ, and Henry Chadwick. SPCK/CTS.
ARCIC 158C: “Critical Analysis of the ARCIC Statement on ‘Authority in the Church'” by the Revd. Fr. C. Dumont, OP.
ARCIC 159A: “Authority in the Church” Revd. Prof. Geoffrey Lampe’s Speech to the General Synod of the Church of England, 18th February 1977.
ARCIC 159B: Comments on the ARCIC Statement “Authority in the Church” by Revd. Fr. Kallistos Ware.
ARCIC 159C: “Authority in the Church” by Hugh Montefiore, Theology, May 1977.
ARCIC 160: Summary of Informal ARCIC Steering Committee held at Lambeth on 18th January 1977.
ARCIC 161: “A Brief Apology for ‘Authority in the Church’ (Venice 1976)” by Henry Chadwick.
ARCIC 162: “Anglican Response to Windsor and Canterbury” by Christopher Hill.
ARCIC 163: “Summary of Criticisms of the Windsor and Canterbury Statements” by W. A. Purdy.
ARCIC 164: “The Agreed Statement on Eucharistic Doctrine in the Context of the Faith and Order Discussion” by Günther Gassmann.
ARCIC 165: “The Eucharist and Time” by Colin Hickling, Theology, May 1977.
ARCIC 166: “Anamnesis in the Eucharist” by David Gregg, Grove Liturgical Studies, No. 5.
ARCIC 167: The Three Agreed Statements of the Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission: a letter from Bishop John Howe to the Primates of the Anglican Communion.
ARCIC 168: “The Venice Statement and the General Synod of the Church of England (February 1977)” by Christopher Hill.
ARCIC 169: “Authority: Consensus, No; Convergence, Yes” from The Clergy Review, March 1977.
ARCIC 170: Andrew Louth, “Anglican Reflections on the Venice Statement”, Faith and Unity, 21, no. 2 (1977): 26-29.
ARCIC 170A: George Appia, “Authority in the Church: a Protestant Comment”, Faith and Unity, 21, no. 2 (1977): 32-33.
ARCIC 171A: A. T. Hanson, “An Anglican Note”, One in Christ 13, no. 3 (1977): 185-186.
ARCIC 171B: Cuthbert Rand, “A Catholic Comment”, One in Christ 13, no. 3 (1977): 186-195.
ARCIC 171C: Geoffrey Wainwright, “A Methodist Comment”, One in Christ 13, no. 3 (1977): 195-200.
ARCIC 171D: J. M. R. Tillard, O.P., “Reconciliation and Unity”, One in Christ 13, no. 3 (1977): 201-206.
ARCIC 172: “Report on Anglican/Roman Catholic Relations and National Anglican/Roman Catholic Dialogues, 1976-77” by Christopher Hill.
ARCIC 173: Sub-Commission materials for Chichester meeting:
ARCIC 174: Summary Minutes of Plenary sessions at Chichester.
ARCIC 174A: Press Release.
ARCIC 175: A Canadian Roman Catholic Response to the Venice Statement (ARCIC) (circulated to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops from the Roman Catholic members of Canadian ARC).
ARCIC 176: “Primacy and Conciliarity: The Agreed Statement of the Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission on Authority in the Church”, by Edward Yarnold, SJ. From The Month, March 1977.
ARCIC 177: Comment from the Doctrinal Commission of the Church in Wales on Authority in the Church, June 1977.
ARCIC 178: Resolutions of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada on Authority in the Church (copy of a letter for the Ven. E. S. Light).
ARCIC 179: Correspondence about the Statement on Authority published in Theology in September and November 1977.
ARCIC 180: A Note on Pope Paul’s letter to Cardinal Willebrands on the 700th Anniversary of the Council of Lyons (1274).
ARCIC 181: “Note on Peter in the New Testament” by George Tavard AA and Arthur Vogel.
ARCIC 182: Assessment of some of the recent comments on the Venice Statement on Authority in the Church by Peter Staples in “News from the English Churches”, Vol. 6, Bulletin Nos. 7 & 8, November 1977.
ARCIC 183: “Authority in the Church: Response from the English Roman Catholic Theology Commission, October 1977.
ARCIC 184: “Statement of a Free Church Working Group Regarding the Anglican and Roman Catholic Commission on Authority in the Church”.
ARCIC 185: “The ARCIC Agreed Statement on Authority: An Orthodox Comment” by Kallistos Ware.
ARCIC 186A: “Anglicanism and the Nature and Exercise of Authority in the Church” by H. R. McAdoo.
ARCIC 186B: “The Spirit’s Abiding in the Church” by the Archbishop of Dublin.
ARCIC 186C: “The Spirit’s Abiding in the Church: Some Comments on Infallibility” by Fr. Herbert Ryan, SJ.
ARCIC 187: “Malta Ten Years Later” by Fr. Adrian Hastings, from One in Christ 14, no. 1 (1978): 20-29.
ARCIC 188: New Zealand General Synod Resolution on the Agreed Statements, together with the Report of the Provincial Commission on Doctrine and Theological Questions.
ARCIC 189: “Ius Divinum as an Ecumenical Problem” by Avery Dulles, SJ, from Theological Studies, December 1977.
ARCIC 190: “The Jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome” by Fr. J. M. R. Tillard, OP.
ARCIC 191: The St. Alban’s Sub-Commission Drafts on authority:
ARCIC 192: “Draft Response to the Eucharist Statement: Mill Hill”.
ARCIC 193: “The Response to the Ministry Statement: A Tentative Draft Outline” (from an ad hoc group at Mill Hill).
ARCIC 194: Lambeth Conference 1978, Resolution 33.
ARCIC 195: Preliminary and Final Drafts from London Colney:
ARCIC 196: “A Comment on the ARCIC Statement on Authority in the Church” by Professor J. Speigl.
ARCIC 197: “Report on Anglican/Roman Catholic Relations and National Anglican/Roman Catholic Dialogues, 1977-78” by the Rev. Christopher Hill.
ARCIC 198: Summary Minutes of the Plenary Sessions at Salisbury, 12th-20th January 1979.
ARCIC 199: Preliminary and Final Drafts for “The Agreed Statement on Eucharistic Doctrine (Windsor 1971): An Elucidation”.
ARCIC 200: Preliminary and Final Drafts for “The Agreed Statement on Ministry and Ordination (Canterbury 1973): An Elucidation”.
ARCIC 201: “Note” (ARCIC 199 and ARCIC 200).
ARCIC 202: Summary of official Anglican reaction to the work of ARCIC prepared for ACC-4, London, Ontario, Canada, May 1979, by Christopher Hill.
ARCIC 203A: “Response by the Church of England to the Agreed Statements by the Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission on Eucharistic Doctrine (Windsor 1971), Ministry and Ordination (Canterbury 1973), Authority in the Church (Venice 1976). (A Report by the Faith and Order Advisory Group of the Board for Mission and Unity – GS 394).
ARCIC 203B: Introduction to the debate on GS 394 in the General Synod by the Bishop of Chichester, 22nd February 1979.
ARCIC 203C: Summary of the debate on GS 394 in General Synod, 22nd February 1979.
ARCIC 204: “Draft Continuation of Venice 24” by Jean Tillard, OP and Julian Charley.
ARCIC 204A: Some Notes on “Teaching Authority and Infallibility in the Church” by Bishop B. C. Butler (Theological Studies, March 1979).
ARCIC 204B: Some Notes on “Draft Continuation of Venice 24” (ARCIC 204) by Bishop B. C. Butler.
ARCIC 205: “The Church (Draft Statement)” by Edward Yarnold, SJ.
ARCIC 206: Elucidations: Eucharistic Doctrine. Ministry and Ordination (London: CTS/SPCK, 1979)
ARCIC 207: “A Note on the Publication of Position Papers” by Christopher Hill.
ARCIC 208: “Report on Anglican/Roman Catholic Relations and National Anglican/Roman Catholic Dialogues, 1978-79” by Christopher Hill in conjunction with Secretaries of National Dialogues.
ARCIC 209: Minutes of the Venice 1979 meeting.
ARCIC 210: “1870: In Search of a Definition of the Problem” by Henry Chadwick.
ARCIC 211: Drafts from the Venice 1979 Meeting:
ARCIC 212: “Summary of Discussion on the Future of Anglican/Roman Catholic Relations and of the Work of a Future Anglican/Roman Catholic Commission: 3rd September 1979”.
ARCIC 213: “To Honour Mary: Apostolic Exhortation Marialis Cultus of His Holiness Paul VI to all Bishops in Peace and Communion with the Apostolic See for the Right Ordering and Development of Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary”, 1974.
ARCIC 214: “Immaculate Conception” by John Macquarrie (a paper delivered at a one-day conference organised by the Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 7th October 1978).
ARCIC 215: Fr. John Coventry, “Theological Trends: Intercommunion II”, The Way, January 1979.
ARCIC 216: Roman Catholic Comments on the Venice Statement.
ARCIC 217: Drafts from the January 8-10, 1980 Wychcroft meeting:
ARCIC 218: Preface to “Final Report”
ARCIC 219: “Teaching Authority, Faith and Freedom” by Henry Chadwick (10 Jan 1980)
ARCIC 220: “Justification Today: The Roman Catholic and Anglican Debate” by R. G. England (1979)
ARCIC 221: “Wychcroft: A Summary of Proceedings” (January 1980)
ARCIC 222: “Christ’s Authority and Ours” by Arthur A. Vogel
ARCIC 223: “The Anglican-Roman Catholic Agreed Statements and Their Reception” by George H. Tavard, reprinted from “Theological Studies”, Vol. 41, No. 1
ARCIC 224: “Criticisms of Venice” by Christopher Hill (11 June 1980)
ARCIC 225: “Priesthood and the Eucharist: A Common Statement by the Joint Study Group of Representatives of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland and the Scottish Episcopal Church” (1979)
ARCIC 226: Drafts from the 1980 Burnham Sub-Commission (June-July 1980)
ARCIC 227: “The Agreed Statement on Authority” a letter from the Revd. Roger Beckwith to the Revd. Christopher Hill (July 1980)
ARCIC 228: “Report on Anglican/Roman Catholic Relations and National Dialogues, 1979-80” by Christopher Hill
ARCIC 229: Amendment by Fr. Ryan to ARCIC 211-Jurisdiction-2 (26 Aug 1980)
ARCIC 230: Drafts from the 1980 Venice Meeting (Aug-Sep 1980)
ARCIC 231: Minutes from Venice (26 Aug – 4 Sep 1980)
ARCIC 232: “Vatican II et L’Apres-Concile: Espoirs et Craintes” by J. M. R. Tillard
ARCIC 233: Audience given by Pope John Paul II to ARCIC, 4 Sept 1980
ARCIC 234: Additional material by Bishop Edward Knapp-Fisher, Fr. Edward Yarnold and Revd. Julian Charley commissioned at Venice 1980 (15 Dec 1980)
ARCIC 235: Infallibility Continuation (Dec 1980)
ARCIC 236: Conclusion/1-4 (16-18 Dec 1980)
ARCIC 237: Authority/Elucidation/1-3 (Dec 1980)
ARCIC 238: “A Note on the term ‘infallibility'” by Jack Scarisbrick (17 Dec 1980)
ARCIC 239: Mgr. John Portman’s comments on ARCIC 230/Petrine Texts/5 submitted by Fr. Herbert Ryan, SJ. (8 Dec 1980)
ARCIC 240: “Comments on the Liverpool Drafts” by Bishop Arthur Vogel (9 March 1981)
ARCIC 241: “Reflections on ARCIC & Koinonia” by J. M.R. Tillard, OP
ARCIC 242: Reply to ARCIC 241 by Fr. P. Duprey, WF.
ARCIC 243: Comment on the Anglican/Roman Catholic Agreed Statement on Authority in the Church by the General Synod of the Church of Ireland
ARCIC 244: Drafts from the 1981 Bristol Sub-Commission (10-12 June 1981)
ARCIC 244A: Letter to Bishop Clark from the Rt. Revd. Ramon Torrella in response to draft ARCIC 244-3
ARCIC 245: “Introduction” (10-12 June 1981)
ARCIC 246: “Bristol Elucidation” (10-12 June 1981)
ARCIC 247: Minutes of the final meeting at Windsor (25 Aug-3 Sep 1981)
ARCIC 248: Drafts from the 1981 Windsor meeting (27 Aug-2 Sep 1981)
ARCIC 249: 249/Elucidation/1-2 (27 & 30 Aug 1981)
ARCIC 250: 250/Introduction/1-2 (29 & 31 Aug 1981)
ARCIC 251: Co-Chairmen’s Foreword/1 – 3 and Conclusion (31 Aug, 2 Sep 1981)
ARCIC 252: Co-Chairmen’s letter to their Authorities (31 Aug 1981, 2 Sep 1981)
ARCIC 253: Press Release (2 Sep 1981)
ARCIC 254A: Statement by the Anglican Co-Chairman of ARCIC, the Most Revd. Henry McAdoo, at the Press Conference (29 March 1982)
ARCIC 254B: An introductory statement delivered by the Roman Catholic Co-Chairman of ARCIC, the Rt. Revd. Alan Clark, at the press conference (29 March 1982)
ARCIC 255: “ARCIC: The Final Report” (CTS/SPCK, Sep. 1981)
ARCIC 256: “Rome, Canterbury, and the Future” by Julian Charley (1982)
ARCIC 257: “Evangelical Anglicans and the ARCIC Final Report: An Assessment and Critique” drafted by John Stott on behalf of the Church of England Evangelical Council (1982)
ARCIC 258: “ARCIC and the Papacy: An Examination of the Documents on Authority” by Stephen W. Sykes (from The Modern Churchman, 25, no. 1, 1982)
ARCIC 259: “The Final Report: Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission”, a review by Ian Cundy (from The Churchman 96, no. 2 1982)
ARCIC 260: “Anglicans and the Pope” by Heinrich Fries (The Tablet, 6 Nov 1982) – a lightly abbreviated form of an article which was previously published in Stimmen der Zeit
ARCIC 261: “Stephen Sykes on ARCIC: A Reply” by Nicholas Lash, from ‘The Modern Churchman’, New Series, Vol. XXV, No. 2, 1982
ARCIC 262: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, “Anglican-Catholic Dialogue: Its Problems and Hopes”, Insight 1, no. 3 (March 1983): 2-11.
ARCIC 263: Proposed volume of ARCIC papers. Correspondence regarding the publication of background papers, including with relevant authors, such as Henry Chadwick and J M R Tillard. (1983)
ARCIC 264: Miscellaneous unnumbered ARCIC papers (1985-1988). Report from Diocese of London clergy study day (Jan-Feb 1985), paper entitled ‘My Ecumenical Vision’ by Bishop Mark Santer and a letter from Bishop Donald Cameron to Revd Christopher Hill regarding Koinonia.
ARCIC supplementary files:
ARCIC SF/1: List of meetings of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Joint Preparatory Commission (1967-68) and the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (1970-81).
ARCIC SF/2: List of Published ARCIC Papers.
ARCIC SF/3: Author Index to the numbered papers of ARCJPC and ARCIC.
ARCIC SF/4: Press Release of Oct 10th 1969 announcing the formation of an Anglican/Roman Catholic Permanent Joint Commission.
ARCIC SF/5: Correspondence sent to ARCIC members in preparation for the September 1971 Commission meeting:
ARCIC SF/6: Responses to the Windsor Statement distributed to ARCIC members:
ARCIC SF/7: Anglican/Roman Catholic Commission on the Theology of Marriage: Questionnaire to All Anglican Provinces (not dated; early 1970’s).
ARCIC SF/8: Correspondence sent to ARCIC members in preparation for the 1973 Canterbury meeting:
ARCIC SF/9: Bishop Alan Clark, Introductory Address, Canterbury 1973.
ARCIC SF/10: Letter of the Revd. Colin Davey to ARCIC members, 16 Nov. 1973.
ARCIC SF/11: Minutes of the ARCIC Steering Committee meeting, July 19th 1974.
ARCIC SF/12: Correspondence sent to ARCIC members in preparation for the 1974 Grottaferrata meeting:
ARCIC SF/13: Additional responses to the Canterbury Statement distributed to members (supplement to ARCIC #97):
ARCIC SF/14: Correspondence sent to ARCIC members in preparation for the 1975 Oxford meeting:
ARCIC SF/15: Papers from meeting of sub-commission at St. Katherine, Stepney, 22-27 June 1975:
ARCIC SF/16: Correspondence and materials sent to ARCIC members in preparation for the 1976 Venice meeting:
ARCIC SF/17: Materials related to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith:
ARCIC SF/18: Correspondence sent to ARCIC members in preparation for the 1977 Chichester meeting:
ARCIC SF/19: letter of the Revd. Christopher Hill, January 1978, to ARCIC members, with three unnumbered documents:
ARCIC SF/20: letter to ARCIC members from the Revd. Christopher Hill, 16th June 1978.
ARCIC SF/21: letter to ARCIC members from the Revd. Christopher Hill, 12th September 1978.
ARCIC SF/22: Outline programme for the ARCIC meeting at Salisbury, 12th-20th January, 1979.
ARCIC SF/23: letter to ARCIC members from the Revd. Christopher Hill, 24th January 1979.
ARCIC SF/24: letter to ARCIC members from the Revd. Christopher Hill, May 1979.
ARCIC SF/25: letter to ARCIC members from the Revd. Christopher Hill, 22nd May 1979.
ARCIC SF/26: letter to ARCIC members from the Revd. Christopher Hill, July 1979.
ARCIC SF/27: letter to ARCIC members from the Revd. Christopher Hill, 14th September 1979.
ARCIC SF/28: letter to ARCIC members from the Revd. Christopher Hill, November 1979.
1384 ~ Letter to ARCIC Members from the Revd, Christopher Hill, June 1983