Anglican-Catholic Dialogue: Its Problems and Hopes
Joseph Ratzinger
Creation: Mar. 1983
(The date of original creation or publication, if known)
Protocol: ARCIC 262
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Ratzinger, Joseph.
Anglican-Catholic Dialogue: Its Problems and Hopes, ARCIC 262
(Mar. 1983).
The first part of the text found here (Church, Ecumenism and Politics, pp. 65-88) originally appeared in Insight: A Journal for Church and Community 1, no. 3 (March 1983). Responses to the article appeared in the December issue (no. 4), under the title “Authority – Tradition – Unity; The Response to Cardinal Ratzinger“. The postscript found here (pp. 88-98) was written in response to these. The 2011 edition of Ratzinger’s Church, Ecumenism and Politics contains a revised version of the original text and the postscript.
Archival formats and locations:
- ARCIC 262
- ARCIC 262-1
- Lambeth Palace Library: ARCIC/1/262
- Lambeth Palace Library: ARCIC/2/217
- Joseph Ratzinger, Church, Ecumenism and Politics: New Essays in Ecclesiology (New York: Crossroad Publishing, 1988), pp. 65-98.
- Joseph Ratzinger, Church, Ecumenism and Politics: New Endeavors in Ecclesiology (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2011), pp. ??-99..
- Insight: A Journal for Church and Community, v. 1, no. 3 (March 1983): 2-11.