Pope, Bishop of Rome
Series: Pius IX (1846-1878), Leo XIII (1878-1903), Pius XII (1939-1958), Paul VI (1963-1978), John Paul II (1978-2005), Benedict XVI (2005-2013), Francis (2013-)
NOTE: The following list includes all documents in our Pope, Bishop of Rome fonds, sorted by category and date.
- Apostolicae Curae (Apostolic letter on the Nullity of Anglican Orders)
Leo XIII ~ 13 Sept. 1896
- Common Declaration of Pope Paul VI and Dr. Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury
Michael Ramsey & Paul VI ~ Rome, 24 Mar. 1966
- Marialis Cultus (Apostolic Exhortation on Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Paul VI ~ 2 Feb. 1974 ~ ARCIC 213
- Common Declaration of Pope Paul VI and Dr. Donald Coggan, Archbishop of Canterbury
Paul VI & Donald Coggan ~ Rome, 29 Apr. 1977
- Common Declaration of Pope John Paul II and Dr. Robert Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury
John Paul II & Robert Runcie ~ Canterbury, 29 May 1982
- Common Declaration of Pope John Paul II and Dr. Robert Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury
John Paul II & Robert Runcie ~ Rome, 2 Oct. 1989
- Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (Apostolic Letter on the Ordination of Women)
John Paul II ~ 22 May 1994 ~ ARCIC-II 332
- Common Declaration of Pope John Paul II and Dr. George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury
John Paul II & George Carey ~ Rome, 5 Dec. 1996 ~ ARCIC-II 379
- Common Declaration of Pope Benedict XVI and Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury
Rowan Williams & Benedict XVI ~ Rome, 23 Nov. 2006
- Common Declaration of Pope Francis and Archbishop Justin Welby
Francis & Justin Welby ~ Rome, 5 Oct. 2016
Letters, addresses, & greetings
- Address of Pope Paul VI to the Archbishop of Canterbury
Paul VI ~ Rome, 22 Mar. 1966
- Letter of Pope Paul VI to Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Donald Coggan
Paul VI ~ 30 Nov. 1975 ~ CFR-RC-52 - p. 2
- Pope John Paul II’s greeting to ARCIC
John Paul II ~ Venice, 4 Sept. 1980 ~ ARCIC 233A
- Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury on Ordination to the Priesthood
John Paul II ~ 20 Dec. 1984 ~ ARCIC-II 47-1
- Letter to the Participants of the Twelfth Lambeth Conference of the Anglican Communion
John Paul II ~ 12 July 1988
- Letters exchanged between Pope John Paul II and Archbishop Robert Runcie
John Paul II & Robert Runcie ~ Edinburgh, 8 Dec. 1988 ~ ARCIC-II 88
- Letter of Pope John Paul II to the Mississauga Meeting of Anglican and Catholic Bishops
John Paul II ~ 19 May 2000
- Address by Pope John Paul II to the inaugural meeting of IARCCUM
John Paul II ~ Lambeth & Rome, 24 Nov. 2001
- Address of Pope John Paul II to Archbishop George Carey
John Paul II ~ Rome, 21 June 2002
- Address of Pope John Paul II to Archbishop Rowan Williams
John Paul II ~ Rome, 4 Oct. 2003
- Address to Archbishop Rowan Williams
Benedict XVI ~ Lambeth, 17 Sept. 2010
- Address of Pope Francis to Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
Francis ~ Rome, 14 June 2013
- Address of Pope Francis to Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
Francis ~ Rome, 16 June 2014
- Homily of Pope Francis at San Gregorio al Celio
Francis ~ Rome, 5 Oct. 2016
- Address of Pope Francis to Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
Francis ~ Rome, 6 Oct. 2016
- Video Message for ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ event
Francis ~ 31 May 2020
Communiqués & Press Releases