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• reports
Sub-headings on this page: reports
Meetings began in [1967] and over these years a very wide range of activities have been held, from examination of ARCIC texts to studies on such themes as mixed marriages, charismatic renewal, ordination of women, collegiality and missiology. Present work is about to start on the theme of Receptive Ecumenism. There is also very much interest in the work which is being undertaken by ARCIC III concerning the link between the universal and the local Church.
Roman Catholic members are appointed by the Bishops’ Committee for Ecumenical Affairs. They report to this Committee every four months and a general report of activities is sent to Rome each year. Anglican members submit an annual report to the Anglican Suffragan Bishop in Europe, who reports to Lambeth Palace each year on Belgian ARC activities.
NOTE: The following list includes all documents in our Belgian ARC fonds, sorted by category and date. In addition to documents held in the current fonds, there are also documents specifically authored by Belgian ARC.