Notes on Approaching the Question of Church and Authority

Author/editor(s): William A. Purdy
Creation: 27 Aug. 1973 (The date of original creation or publication, if known)
Event: ARCIC: Ministry and Ordination, Canterbury, 27 August to 6 September 1973
Protocol: ARCIC 83

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Purdy, William A. Notes on Approaching the Question of Church and Authority, ARCIC 83 (27 Aug. 1973).

“The steering committee, foreseeing that an agreed statement might well be achieved at Canterbury, and that hence the commission might have to ‘start cold’ on planning the next stage of its work, with very little time at its disposal, asked the writer to set out some sketch which might serve as a starting point for discusion of ‘Church and Authority’.” (William A. Purdy)

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