Sensus Fidelium
Jean-Marie Tillard, OP
Creation: June 1974
(The date of original creation or publication, if known)
ARCIC: Authority, Grottaferrata, Italy, 27 August to 5 September 1974
Protocol: ARCIC 116
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Tillard, OP, Jean-Marie.
Sensus Fidelium, ARCIC 116
(June 1974).
For the theologian, approaching the question of the sensus fidelium means entering a field of research of which many sectors are still unexplored. And yet, today, as at the time when Newman wrote his famous article On Consulting the Faithful in The Rambler of July 1859, the problem counts among the most important ones, both at the level of theological research on the very nature of the Church and at the level of the concrete relationships between the hierarchy (with its function of “magisterium”) and the body of the faithful. I shall give merely a few indications of this.
Archival formats and locations:
- ARCIC 116
- Lambeth Palace Library: ARCIC/1/116
- ch. 2 of The Sensus Fidelium and Moral Theology: Readings in Moral Theology, no. 18. Ed. by Charles E. Curran and Lisa A. Fullam (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2017)
- One in Christ v. 11 (1975): 2-29