Fr. Jean-Marie Roger Tillard, OP
ARCIC-I (Member, 1970-1981) and
ARCIC-II (Member, 1983-2000)
From the tribute by Rev. Alan D. Falconer, WCC director of Faith & Order:
Having studied philosophy and theology in Canada, and undertaken postgraduate research at the University of St Thomas (the Angelicum) in Rome and at the Saulchoir, the House of Studies of the Dominican province of France, Fr Jean was ordained priest there in 1955 and in 1957 became professor of dogmatic theology at the Dominican College of Philosophy and Theology in Ottawa, and also taught at St. Paul University and at Laval University in Québec. An engaging and lively teacher, Fr Jean has influenced generations of theologians of the Roman Catholic Church and of other churches through his lectures at Oxford, Salamanca, Barcelona and Fribourg.
At Vatican II, Fr Jean was a “peritus” for the Canadian bishops. Subsequently Fr Jean became a consultant to the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and was involved in most of the important ecumenical developments in his church. Although he has written on a wide range of topics, his most important writing was in the field of ecclesiology with major studies on “The Bishop of Rome” and “The Church as Communion”. He became a deeply committed ecumenist, especially through his experience in the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC). His circle of friends expanded to embrace theologians from different traditions through his work with ARCIC (1968-2000), the Disciples of Christ (1977-2000) and the Orthodox-Roman Catholic Commission (1980-2000). A member of the Faith and Order Commission from 1975 and vice-moderator from 1977 until his death, he participated in a wide range of studies and was a major influence in the drafting of the convergence texts “Confessing the One Faith. An Ecumenical Explication of the Apostolic Faith” and “The Nature and Purpose of the Church”.
- ARCPJC 4A ~ The Church, Intercommunion and the Ministry
Windsor, 9 Jan. 1970
- ARCIC 29-1 ~ The Church, Intercommunion and Ministry
Windsor, 4 Aug. 1971
- ARCIC 29-2 ~ Sacrifice, Eucharistic Presence and the Ministry of the Eucharist
Windsor, 4 Aug. 1971
- ARCIC 64 ~ The Deeper Implications of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue
- ARCIC 47 ~ La Qualité ‘Sacerdotale’ du Ministère Chrétien
May 1973
- ARCIC 116 ~ Sensus Fidelium
Grottaferrata, Italy, June 1974
- ARCIC 133 ~ The Horizon of the ‘Primacy’ of the Bishop of Rome
June 1975
- ARCIC 171D ~ Reconciliation and Unity
- ARCIC 190 ~ The Jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome
- ARCIC SF/17C ~ Remarques sur les ‘Remarques’ de la Congrégation pour la Doctrine de la Foi
12 June 1978
- ARCIC 204 ~ Draft Continuation of Venice 24
- ARCIC 232 ~ Vatican II et L’Apres-Concile: Espoirs et Craintes
Venice, 26 Aug. 1980
- ARCIC 241 ~ Reflections on ARCIC & Koinonia
- ARCIC-II 509 ~ Mariology Paper
5 Mar. 1982
- ARCIC-II 16 ~ Church and Salvation (on the Sacramentality of the Church)
- Recognition of Ministries: What is the Real Question?
- ARCIC-II 55-2 ~ Restoring Koinonia Between our Two Churches II: The Framework of our Task
- ARCIC-II 55-3 ~ The Eucharist and the Visibility of Koinonia
- ARCIC-II 55-1 ~ Renewing the Koinonia Between our Two Churches I: Theological Background
- ARCIC-II 425 ~ The Marian issues
- ARCIC-II SF/1009 ~ Authority and Memory in the Church
- ARCIC-II SF/1001 ~ Autorite et memoire dans l’Eglise
- ARCIC-II 204 ~ Reception – Communion
May 1992
- ARCIC-II 306 ~ Tradition, Reception
23 June 1992
- ARCIC-II 216 ~ Note on ‘Tradition’
4 Sept. 1992
- ARCIC-II 300 ~ Scripture, Tradition and Memory
27 Dec. 1992
- ARCIC-II 353 ~ Du decret conciliaire sur l’œcuménisme à l’encyclique Ut Unum Sint
24 Aug. 1995
- The Lesson for Ecumenism of Lambeth 1988
Jan. 1998
- Our goal: full and visible communion
Mississauga, Canada, 14 May 2000