Du decret conciliaire sur l’œcuménisme à l’encyclique Ut Unum Sint

Fr. Tillard’s essay was published in Italian translation in L’Osservatore Romano. The original French text was circulated to the ARCIC-II members.

Author/editor(s): Jean-Marie Tillard, OP
Date: 24 Aug. 1995
Protocol: ARCIC-II 353
Persistent link: https://iarccum.org/doc/?d=1105
This permanent link may be used to link to this document.
Tillard, OP, Jean-Marie. Du decret conciliaire sur l’œcuménisme à l’encyclique Ut Unum Sint, ARCIC-II 353 (24 Aug. 1995). https://iarccum.org/doc/?d=1105.

Archival formats and locations:
  • ARCIC-II 353 (Français) (Not yet scanned)
  • Documentation catholique 92 (1995): 900-903 (Français)
  • L’Osservatore Romano 24 August 1995 (Italiano)