Archbishop Peter Frederick Carnley

IARCCUM (Member, 2001-2008) and ARCIC-II (Co-Chair, 2003-2004)

Peter Carnley was born in New Lambton, New South Wales. He trained for ordination at St John’s College, Morpeth, and was ordained deacon in 1962 and priest in 1964. He studied in Australia at Trinity College, Melbourne, and in England at Emmanuel College and St John’s College, Cambridge, and became warden of St John’s College at the University of Queensland, as well as lecturer in theology at the University of Queensland, before becoming a bishop.

Archbishop of Perth and Metropolitan of Western Australia (1981-2005), Primate (2001-2005), Anglican Church of Australia

A member of IARCCUM from 2001-2008, Archbishop Carnley was asked to take over as Anglican co-chair of ARCIC II when Archbishop Frank Griswold stepped away following Bishop Gene Robinson’s consecration. Archbishop Carnley shepherded the Commission through the last plenary meeting in Seattle in February 2004 and the final stages of publishing its report Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ.

Books authored

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