Rev. Canon Roger Greenacre

See obituary in The Church Times, 10 August 2011

read history and divinity at Clare College, Cambridge
Archbishop of Canterbury’s Priest Student at the Catholic Univer­sity of Louvain (1961-62)
Chaplain of St George’s, Paris, 1965-1975 (Diocese in Europe)
Chairman, French An­glican-Roman Catholic Com­mittee (1969-?), member of English ARC (1981-1996)
Canon Residentiary, Chichester Cathedral, 1975-2000
Diocesan Ecumenical Officer (1976-88) and chairman of the Euro­pean Ecumenical Committee (1989-99)

General Synod (1980-85, 1987-95)
Board for Mission and Unity (1981-85)
Liturgical Commission (1991-96)
chaired the Church Union Theological Commit­tee (1979-1992)
Council of the Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Officer of the French Order of Merit (1998)
Lambeth DD (2001)

The Sacrament of Easter (1965)
The Catholic Church in France (1996)
Maiden, Mother and Queen (2013)
Part of the One Church?: The Ordination of Women and Anglican Identity (2014)

Anglican co-author of the English ARC Study Guide to ARCIC I’s Final Report (1982)
