ARCIC I material completed, ARCIC II begins
3 August 2019 • Persistent link:
After seven years of work on this website, the complete archive of ARCIC I has been digitized and catalogued. Many thanks to our partners at the Anglican Centre in Rome and the Lambeth Palace Library. Each document has been identified by the original protocol numbers assigned by the ARCIC co-secretaries. Protocol numbers have been modified slightly because of the computer coding requirements. Blank spaces and slashes (/) have been replaced with a dash (-).
There are also a number of preparatory and special commissions that have been digitized along the way. The complete list of commissions included in this archive is found at
We still have a lot of work to do to collect materials from the national dialogue commissions. The list of dialogues continues to grow as more are discovered. It is amazing to hear about the quiet diligent work of national and regional commissions engaged in common witness, common service, and common prayer.