Rev. John J. Joseph Keating

ARCJPC (Member)

Fr John J. Keating, CSP, was born on May 10, 1918, in Stratford, Ontario. He entered the Paulists in 1938. Father Keating’s thirty-three years of priesthood included assignments to the Information Centers in New York and Chicago. From 1960-64 he was the Director of the Paulist Institute of Religious Research, which had the task of meeting the challenges presented by the Second Vatican Council.

Fr Keating was an advisor to the Canadian hierarchy on the establishment of a commission on ecumenism during Vatican II. From 1965 until 1974 he served as Director of the English section of the Canadian Bishops’ Secretariat on Ecumenism, based in Toronto. He was also a member of the Joint Preparatory Commission for Anglican-Catholic dialogue that emerged from the meeting of Pope Paul VI and the Archbishop of Canterbury. He was a Consultor of the Vatican’s Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, and served as an original member of the first Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC-I).

Fr Keating was a frequent speaker on ecumenical topics in the U.S. and Canada. He also appeared regularly on radio and TV, especially during the eight years he worked in New York City. He had a regular program for a year on CBS-TV. He was also the author of one of the best-selling “Outlines of Catholic Teaching” published by Paulist Press in 1958. The Canadian government awarded him the Canada Medal for his work on the Religious Pavilion at Expo ’67 World’s Fair held in Montréal.
