International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM)
The first meeting of IARCCUM in 2001 with Pope John Paul II ~ 2001
IARCCUM meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth ~ Nov. 2001
The members of IARCCUM in Malta in November 2002 for their second meeting ~ 2002
IARCCUM meeting at Palazzola, Italy ~ 15 Nov. 2005
Growing Together in Unity and Mission: Building on 40 years of Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue ~ 4 Feb. 2007
Cardinal Kurt Koch introducing the IARCCUM website ~ 27 May 2014
Anglican and Roman Catholic bishops process into Canterbury Cathedral for Evensong as they began their IARCCUM meeting. Photo credit: ACNS ~ 30 Sept. 2016
Procession at the Opening Vespers, 30 September 2016, at the beginning of the IARCCUM gathering at Canterbury Cathedral ~ 30 Sept. 2016
Group photo of the participants in the IARCCUM gathering "New Steps on an Ancient Pilgrimage". Photo credit: Neil Vigers/ACO ~ 2 Oct. 2016
The IARCCUM bishops during a discussion at the Centro Internazionale di Animazione Missionaria in Rome ~ 4 Oct. 2016
Some of the IARCCUM bishops seated at the papal vespers at San Gregorio al Cielo ~ 5 Oct. 2016
A priest holds the replica of the Crozier of St Gregory the Great - the sixth Century Pope who sent Augustine to evangelise the Anglo-Saxons - as Pope Francis and Archbishop Justin Welby greet pairs of bishops being sent out for joint mission. The actual crozier is on a pedestal in the top left hand corner of the picture. Photo credit: Vatican Television ~ 5 Oct. 2016
The Roman Catholic bishops of IARCCUM in green and the Anglican bishops of IARCCUM in red in the background. Each morning of the IARCCUM pilgrimage, the bishops celebrated the Eucahrist together, alternating between Anglican and Roman Catholic rites ~ 6 Oct. 2016
Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, met with IARCCUM at the offices of the PCPCU on October 6, 2016 immediately after his visit with Pope Francis. Photo credit: ACO ~ 6 Oct. 2016
Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, met with IARCCUM bishops and the Anglican Primates at the offices of the PCPCU on October 6, 2016 immediately after his visit with Pope Francis ~ 6 Oct. 2016
Co-Chairs of the Growing Together summit - Bishop David Hamid, Suffragan Bishop in Europe and Archbishop Donald Bolen, Archbishop of Regina, Canada - opening the first session at the Casa Bonus Pastor in Rome. Photo credit: IARCCUM/Neil Turner ~ 23 Jan. 2024
IARCCUM is a commission established by the Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church as an official joint commission. IARCCUM exists in parallel with the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, the theological commission known as ARCIC. IARCCUM’s purpose is:
- to facilitate the development of strategies for translating the degree of spiritual communion that has been achieved into visible and practical outcomes;
- to promote and monitor the formal response and reception of the agreed statements of ARCIC;
- to strengthen relations between ARCIC and national Anglican-Roman Catholic Commissions (ARCs), and between different national ARCs, providing support and resources in order to foster an exchange of information and practice;
- to encourage Anglican Provinces and Roman Catholic Episcopal Conferences to establish ARC dialogues where they do not exist;
- to encourage Anglican and Roman Catholic bishops to develop projects and programmes of joint witness and mission in the world.
In 2000, Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey and Cardinal Edward Cassidy, the then President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, convoked a conference of Anglican and Roman Catholic bishops at Mississauga in Canada to discern the progress made in theological conversations, and whether closer co-operation could be developed between the two traditions. The result was the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission, which has been meeting since 2001. In February 2007, it published the first fruit of its work, the Report Growing Together in Unity and Mission, accompanied by two commentaries. IARCCUM’s work continues under the co-presidency of Archbishop Donald Bolen and Bishop David Hamid.
The following list includes all documents in the IARCCUM fonds, sorted by category and date.
- New Working Group to further Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations
Mississauga, Canada, 25 Jan. 2001
- Communiqué: November 24, 2001
Lambeth & Rome, 24 Nov. 2001
- Communiqué: November 23, 2002
Mount St. Joseph, Mosta, Malta, 23 Nov. 2002
- Communiqué: June 16, 2003
Dromantine, N. Ireland, 16 June 2003
- Ecclesiological Reflections on the Current Situation in the Anglican Communion in the Light of ARCIC
Seattle, 8 June 2004
- Communiqué: November 15, 2005
Palazzola, Italy, 15 Nov. 2005
- Growing Together in Unity and Mission: Building on 40 years of Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue
4 Feb. 2007
- Walking Together: Common Service to the World and Witness to the Gospel
Canterbury & Rome, 7 Oct. 2016
- Communiqué: New Steps on an Ancient Pilgrimage: Together from Canterbury to Rome
Canterbury & Rome, 20 Oct. 2016
- The IARCCUM Bishops’ Call: Our Common Witness, Calling and Commitment
Rome & Canterbury, 1 Feb. 2024
- Press Release: Anglican and Catholic Bishops of the Growing Together summit share their commitment and call for Christian Unity
Rome & Canterbury, 1 Feb. 2024