Minutes of the seventh meeting of ARCIC-II held in Venice from 28 Aug-6 Sep 1989

A note regarding these minutes:
These are not official minutes, but rather, an attempt on behalf of the co-secretaries to take note of the key points being made in the course of discussions. Members did not have the opportunity to make corrections. There is no guarantee that the quotations recorded here are accurate. This should clearly be noted when they are being drawn upon for research purposes. The minutes did provide members with a basic overview of what was being discussed and what points were raised; and they can provide researchers with a window into the nature and tone of the dialogue which characterizes these meetings, as well as a sense of the parameters of the discussion on particular points.

Author/editor(s): ARCIC-II
Creation: 6 Sept. 1989 (The date of original creation or publication, if known)
Event: ARCIC II: The Theology of Communion; Moral Issues, Venice, 28 August to 6 September 1989
Protocol: ARCIC-II 92

Persistent link: https://iarccum.org/doc/?d=1022 (Please use this permanent URL in your publications and bookmarks to link to this document. The files linked below may be modified, but this record will remain at this location.)

Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission II. Minutes of the seventh meeting of ARCIC-II held in Venice from 28 Aug-6 Sep 1989, ARCIC-II 92 (6 Sept. 1989). https://iarccum.org/doc/?d=1022.

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