Mixed Marriages: In the Light of the Word of God, Theological Aspects, Canonical Aspects, Pastoralia of mixed homes

Circulated by the Council on Foreign Relations to Anglican members of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Sub-Commission on Mixed Marriages, at Windsor, 16th-18th April 1968. The paper was initially prepared by Roman Catholic theologians and canonists at the request of the Vatican’s Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity for the WCC-Vatican consultation at Nemi from 26 February to 4 March 1967. This is an English translation from the French version of the document produced by the full Roman Catholic group as a result of their study of “Marriage and the Division among the Churches”.

Date: 4 Mar. 1967
Event: ARCCM: Mixed Marriage, Windsor, 16-18 April 1968
Protocol: ARCJPC-MM-3C
Persistent link: https://iarccum.org/doc/?d=1261
This permanent link may be used to link to this document.
Mixed Marriages: In the Light of the Word of God, Theological Aspects, Canonical Aspects, Pastoralia of mixed homes, ARCJPC-MM-3C (4 Mar. 1967). https://iarccum.org/doc/?d=1261.

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