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Second Report of the ARCCM with Letter to the Right Reverend Mgr. J.G.M. Willebrands

5 pages, including a 3 page covering letter from the Most Reverend George O. Simms, Archbishop of Dublin, and the Most Reverend Ernest L. Unterkoefler, Bishop of Charleston, Joint Chairman of the Sub-Commission.

Author(s): George Simms and Ernest Unterkoefler
Dated: 30 Nov. 1968
Event: ARCCM: Mixed Marriage, Windsor, 16-18 April 1968
Protocol: ARCJPC-MM-5
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George Simms and Ernest Unterkoefler. "Second Report of the ARCCM with Letter to the Right Reverend Mgr. J.G.M. Willebrands", ARCJPC-MM-5 (Windsor, 30 Nov. 1968).

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