Christology and Sexuality: An Anglican Contribution
Charles P. Price
Creation: Feb. 1981
(The date of original creation or publication, if known)
Protocol: ARCIC-II 58-1G
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Price, Charles P.
Christology and Sexuality: An Anglican Contribution, ARCIC-II 58-1G
(Feb. 1981).
J. Robert Wright circulated this undated paper to ARCIC II within a dossier labelled ARCIC II-58-1. He says of this paper: “This paper constitutes one Anglican response to the two papers of Fr. Keefe, and summarizes fairly well the reasons why most of the Episcopalian members of ARC/USA did not find Fr. Keefe’s papers convincing.”
The date of this paper is unclear, though it is written after Fr. Keefe’s undated paper ARCIC II-58-1E which was sometime after January 1981.
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