Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ (ARCIC-II): Essays by the Faith and Order Advisory Group of the Church of England
GS Misc 872

Author/editor(s): Faith & Order Advisory Group
Date: 2008
Protocol: GS Misc 872
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Faith & Order Advisory Group. Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ (ARCIC-II): Essays by the Faith and Order Advisory Group of the Church of England, GS Misc 872 (2008).

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Chapter 1 – Mary: Mary in the New Testament Tradition, p. 1
Chapter 2 – Consonant with Scripture?, p. 9
Chapter 3 – Mary in context: a historical methodological reflection, p. 15
Chapter 4 – The Place of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Context of the Doctrine of the Incarnation, p. 24
Chapter 5 – A feminist response to ARCIC’s Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ, p. 37
Chapter 6 – Mary – Grace and Hope in Christ – An Evangelical Anglican Response, p. 49
Chapter 7 – Scripture and authority in the Roman Catholic Church – with reference to the two Marian teachings regarded as dogma, p. 66
Chapter 8 – Scripture, Authority and the Marian Dogmas: An Evangelical Perspective, p. 84