9th meeting Programme
Malines IX: St Paul's Bay, Malta
Malines IX: St Paul's Bay, Malta ~ May 2023
Participants in the Malines Conversations Group meeting in St Paul's Bay, Malta
Participants in the Malines Conversations Group meeting in St Paul's Bay, Malta. Photo credit: MCG ~ May 2023
Participants in the Malines Conversations Group meeting in St Paul's Bay, Malta
Participants in the Malines Conversations Group meeting in St Paul's Bay, Malta. Photo credit: MCG ~ May 2023
Participants in the Malines Conversations Group meeting in St Paul's Bay, Malta
Participants in the Malines Conversations Group meeting in St Paul's Bay, Malta. Photo credit: MCG ~ May 2023
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Malines Conversations Group. 9th meeting Programme (20 May 2023). https://iarccum.org/doc/?d=1563.

Related documents:

Ninth Meeting
St. Paul’s Bay, Malta
March 20 – 26, 2023

Setting the Scene: Migration and Joint Practice

  • Thomas Pott: Where We Come From
  • Dominic Mendonca, OP: Saint Paul’s Shipwreck: Lectio Divina and Exegesis
  • Danielle Vella & Katrine Camilleri: From Saint Paul’s Shipwreck to the Migrant Question Today: Ecumenical Context and Apostolic Response

Migration and Joint Prayer

  • Kirsty Borthwick: The Sanctity and Implications of Common Prayer
  • Vera La Mela: Response
  • David Hamid & Martin Browne: Updates on ARCIC and IARCCUM and other relevant dialogues

Apostolicity and Ministry

  • Nicholas Sagovsky: Introduction
  • Jeremy Morris: Apostolic Ministry: Underlying Tensions within Anglicanism
  • Thomas O’Loughlin: Response

Apostolicity and Communion

  • Angela Berlis: Old-Catholic Theologies of Communion and Apostolicity
  • Joris Geldhof: Response

Apostolicity and the People of God

  • Thomas O’Loughlin: The life of the twelve is now shared by the whole people of God
  • David Hamid: Response

Working Session on Women’s Ordinations

  • Arnaud Join-Lambert: Overview of Catholic Synodal Documents on Women’s Ordinations
  • Maryana Hnyp & Joris Geldhof: Towards the drafting of a new MCG document: Discussion

Closing Session

  • Nicholas Sagovsky: Synthesis

General Discussion & Business Meeting