Archbishop’s address at a Willebrands Symposium in Rome
ARCIC-III 2011.04.04

Author/editor(s): Rowan Williams
Creation: 19 Nov. 2009 (The date of original creation or publication, if known)
Size/extent: 8 pages
Protocol: ARCIC-III 2011.04.04

Persistent link: (Please use this permanent URL in your publications and bookmarks to link to this document. The files linked below may be modified, but this record will remain at this location.)

Williams, Rowan. Archbishop’s address at a Willebrands Symposium in Rome, ARCIC-III 2011.04.04 (19 Nov. 2009).

An address given by the Archbishop of Canterbury to a symposium at the Gregorian University in Rome, hosted by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Johannes Cardinal Willebrands, first president of the Council.