First ARC-USA Response to ARCIC’s Venice Statement

Status of agreed statements:
Agreed statements have been agreed by the dialogue members and submitted to the sponsoring churches for study. These texts express the careful considerations of the members of the dialogue but are not official statements of either of the churches.

Author/editor(s): ARC-USA
Creation: 24 Jan. 1977 (The date of original creation or publication, if known)
Event: ARC-USA, New Orleans, Louisiana, 19-22 January 1977

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Anglican-Roman Catholic Theological Consultation in the U.S.A.. First ARC-USA Response to ARCIC’s Venice Statement (24 Jan. 1977).

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The release of the Venice Statement on Authority in the Church proposed by the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) happened to coincide with a previously scheduled meeting of ARC-USA in New Orleans, Louisiana, January 19-22, 1977. This document has been received with gratitude by the members of ARC-USA but only an initial discussion was possible at this time. We propose to devote the next meeting of this group to a deeper study of the Agreed Statement on Authority and to the preparation of a reflective commentary to assist the members of our two churches in its understanding and use. Meanwhile we offer some initial observations.

1) There seems to be a significant difference between the nature of the Venice Statement and the two earlier Agreed Statements on the Eucharist and Ministry. The Windsor and Canterbury Statements expressed areas of substantial agreement in matters of faith and practice already present in the Anglican and Roman Catholic Communions. The Venice Statement is presented as “a consensus on authority in the church and, in particular, on the basic principles of primacy.” The Windsor and Canterbury Statements seem to be verified in the life of our two churches. The principles in the Venice Statement, on the other hand, may not be fully reflected or even recognizable to all readers in the practice of either of our churches at the present time.

2) While the Venice Statement deals broadly with the doctrine of authority in the Church, it appears to treat the questions of episcope (oversight) and primacy more fully than certain other expressions of authority more directly involving laity and clergy (e.g., in the Episcopal Church, vestries, standing committees, conventions; in the Roman Catholic Church, parish councils, diocesan pastoral councils, priests’ senates, and national advisory bodies).

Even now, as we offer these tentative observations on the Venice Statement, it is clear that it must be seen together with the two previous ARCIC statements, as a significant challenge to both our churches in the pursuit of ARC’s stated goal of “full communion and organic unity.” It merits prayerful study on the part of all Anglicans and Roman Catholics concerned about the unity of the Body of Christ.