ARCIC-II Press release (Graymoor, 1985)

Author/editor(s): ARCIC-II
Creation: 4 Sept. 1985 (The date of original creation or publication, if known)
Event: ARCIC II: Salvation and the Church, Graymoor, NY, 26 August to 4 September 1985
Protocol: ARCIC-II 51

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Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission II. ARCIC-II Press release (Graymoor, 1985), ARCIC-II 51 (4 Sept. 1985).

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The Second Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC 11) met for its third annual meeting at Graymoor, NY, 26th August-4th September, l985. The major part of the Commission’s time was given to its cont1nu1ng work on the subject of Salvation and the Church. It worked intensively on this theme and intends to produce an agreed statement next year.

In dealing with this issue the Commission is confronting one of the major issues about which there has been sharp disagreement in the past. The Commission has been concerned with examining the historical problems, considering the ways in which Catholics and Anglicans have perceived each other’s positions. The Commission is convinced that it has now established a framework for substantial agreement on this matter.

Work has also begun on the theme of Growth in Reconciliation, including consideration of the difficulties that arise in relation to Reconciliation of Ministries. In this context there was joint reflection on the question of ordination of women to the priesthood in some parts of the Anglican Communion.

The meeting took place at Graymoor, New York. the home of the Friars of the Atonement, who pioneered the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and whose particular apostolate is work and prayer for christian unity. The Commission received the most generous hospitality at Graymoor.

During the meeting the Commission welcomed members of the USA Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission (US-ARC) together with theologians from the New York area. Distinguished guests at Graymoor included the President of the Roman Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Bishop J. Malone and the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Bishop John Allin.

On Sunday the Commission went as a body to Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York, where they met Cardinal O’Connor. Afterwards the Commissfon attended Sung Eucharist at St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church on 5th Avenue where they were entertained to lunch by the Rector and were greeted by Bishop Paul Moore, Jr., the Episcopal Bishop of New York.