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Status of agreed statements
Agreed statements have been agreed by the dialogue members and submitted to the sponsoring churches for study. These texts express the careful considerations of the members of the dialogue but are not official statements of either of the churches.
The Anglican-Lutheran International Conversations (1970-1972), sponsored by the Lutheran World Federation and the Anglican Consultative Council, produced “The Pullach Report” recommending mutual recognition by Anglican and Lutheran Churches. In the United States, the Lutheran-Episcopal Dialogue (1969-1972), sponsored by the Lutheran Council in the USA (American Lutheran Church, Lutheran Church in America, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) and the Episcopal Church produced Lutheran – Episcopal Dialogue: A Progress Report which sought mutual recognition and intercommunion. No action was taken by the Lutheran or Episcopal Churches. Lutheran-Episcopal Dialogue II (1976-1980), with the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches added, produced a joint statement on Authority and Scripture (the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod dissenting), and a joint statement on Apostolicity which showed convergence rather than consensus. These statements were published with materials from earlier dialogues in Lutheran-Episcopal Dialogue: Report and Recommendations. The dialogue also published Traditions Transplanted: the Story of Anglican and Lutheran Churches in America by William H. Petersen and Robert Goeser, available from Forward Movement Publications.
Interim Eucharistic Sharing, 1982-2001
The Episcopal Church’s Standing Committee on Ecumenical Relations asked dioceses to study the report and recommendations and respond. In 1982 representatives from the ecumenical commissions of three of the Lutheran Churches and the Episcopal Church met to refine the recommendations and to frame a common resolution in light of responses in their churches. The four national conventions, meeting in separate cities in September of 1982, overwhelmingly approved the Lutheran-Episcopal Agreement, which established a new and historic relationship between the Episcopal Church and these Lutheran Churches. Interim Eucharistic Sharing is a significant step on the path towards greater unity. In this relationship, churches recognize one another as members of the one holy, catholic, and apostolic church; encourage greater cooperation; agree to study the documents of the dialogue; and to focus on any remaining issues that need to be resolved before full communion can be reached. Interim Eucharistic Sharing also allows for joint celebrations of the Eucharist under certain conditions.
NOTE: The following list includes all documents in our Lutheran-Episcopal Dialogue in the USA fonds, sorted by category and date. In addition to documents held in the current fonds, there are also documents specifically authored by Lutheran-Episcopal Dialogue in the USA.
Agreed Statements