Bp. Arthur A. Vogel

ARCIC-I (Member, 1970-1981) and ARCIC-II (Member, 1983-1990)

Bishop, educator and ecumenist, a native of Milwaukee, Vogel was a graduate of Nashotah House Theological Seminary and the University of Chicago and earned a Ph.D. at Harvard University in 1952. The bishop wrote 14 books, including Body Theology: God’s Presence in Man’s World (1973), I Know God Better than I Know Myself (1989), Christ in His Time and Ours (1992), and Radical Christianity and the Flesh of Jesus (1995). He participated in the Consultation on Church Union (1962-66), ARCIC I and II (1969-90), ARC-USA (1964-84) and the fourth Assembly of the World Council of Churches (Nairobi, 1968).
