Excerpt from General Synod report
GS Misc 53

The cover page of a collection of correspondence released following the July 1976 General Synod. In response to a question asked of the Archbishop of Canterbury about his contacts with other church leaders on the Ordination of Women, the Archbishop referred to various letters which were posted on a notice board during General Synod for Synod members to peruse.

The collection of correspondence bears the designation GS Misc 53.

Lambeth Library staff have noted that these materials are available in the GS printed books holdings G676.C6.

Date: 26 July 1976
Protocol: GS Misc 53
Persistent link: https://iarccum.org/doc/?d=1302
This permanent link may be used to link to this document.
Excerpt from General Synod report, GS Misc 53 (26 July 1976). https://iarccum.org/doc/?d=1302.

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