Anglican decisions and reports on the ordination of women to the priesthood
CFR-RC-52 - pp. 68-74

excerpts from various reports since 1968. Includes: Lambeth Conference resolutions 34-38; Anglican Consultative Council (Limuru ACC) 1 (1971), resolution 28; ACC-2 (Dublin 1973), statement (i); a list of Anglican provinces that have ordained women (Hong Kong, Canada, and USA) including vote tallies; Present position in other Churches (Anglican Provinces) including vote tallies;

A later draft of this text dated 8 Dec. 1977 appears as ARCCOW-1

Date: 24 Nov. 1977
Protocol: CFR-RC-52 – pp. 68-74
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Anglican decisions and reports on the ordination of women to the priesthood , CFR-RC-52 – pp. 68-74 (24 Nov. 1977).

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