Called to Full Unity: Documents on Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations, 1966-1983
Called to Full Unity
Called to Full Unity ~ 1986
Author(s)/editors(s): Joseph W. Witmer & J. Robert Wright
Publisher: United States Catholic Conference
Date: 1986
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Witmer, Joseph W. & J. Robert Wright. Called to Full Unity: Documents on Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations, 1966-1983 (United States Catholic Conference, 1986).

Archival formats and locations:
  • Called to Full Unity: Documents on Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations, 1966-1983. Ed. by Joseph W. Witmer & J. Robert Wright (Washington: United States Catholic Conference, 1986). ISBN: 1-55586-937-8


Introduction / 1

The Common Declaration by Pope Paul VI and the Archbishop of Canterbury / 3

ARC IV Statement on the Eucharist / 5

The Malta Report / 7

Letter from His Eminence Augustin Cardinal Bea to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury / 15

Lambeth Conference 1968 / 18

Pope Paul VI: Remarks on the Canonization of the Uganda Martyrs / 24

The Nature of Baptism and Its Place in the Life of the Church (Scotland) / 26

ARC VII Statement / 33

Cardinal Willebrands’ Address in Cambridge, England / 45

Pope Paul VI: Remarks at Canonization of Forty Martyrs / 54

Archbishop Ramsey’s Response to the Forty Martyrs Address / 56

Doctrinal Agreement and Christian Unity: Methodological Considerations / 57

Prospects for Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations (+Willebrands) / 61

The Ecclesial Nature of the Eucharist (Scotland) / 73

Covenants (Helena, Montana)/ 95

Commission on the Theology of Marriage and Its Application to Mixed Marriages (Fínal Report) / 99

Correspondence between the Archbishop of Canterbury (pp. 132 & 134) and the Pope (pp. 133 & 135) on the Ordination of Women / 132

Anglican/Roman Catholic Commission in the U.S.A. Agreed Statement on the Purpose of the Church / 136

Anglican/Roman Catholic Commission in the U.S.A. Statement on the Ordination of Women / 148

Common Declaration by Paul VI and the Archbishop of Canterbury / 154

Anglican/Roman Catholic Commission in the U.S.A. Where We Are: A Challenge for the Future. A Twelve-Year Report / 160

Archbishop of Canterbury’s Westminster Cathedral Address / 175

ARC Joint Consultation: Versailles Report / 179

1978 Lambeth Conference: Selected Resolutions (nos. 33 (ARCIC), 34 (ARCCM))/182

Priesthood and the Eucharist (Scotland) / 187

Rome and Canterbury / 214

Practical Implications of the Anglican View of Authority / 223

Final Recommendations from the Anglican/Roman Catholic Leaders Conference / 225

The Final Report / Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission / 228

Unity without Absorption: Lecture on Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations (Archbishop Runcie) / 289

Statements of Archbishop Runcie and Pope John Paul II at Canterbury / 294

Common Declaration of Pope John Paul II and the Archbishop of Canterbury / 300

The Five-Year Report: A Reflective Review of Five Joint Studies Produced by the EDEO/NADEO Study Committee 1978-1983 / 303

Images of God: Reflections on Christian Anthropology / 308

The Fellowship of St. Gregory and St. Augustine / 328