Photo gallery for 2016
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The photos in the gallery have been collected wherever possible. Please send us additional photos from dialogue meetings and other Anglican-Roman Catholic activities. Contact us at Copyright of these photos remains with the original photographer or publisher as indicated. Contact the copyright holder for permission to re-publish.
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Gallery ID: 415 + more detailsRevd Dr Will Adam, Ecumenical Adviser to the Archbishop of Canterbury and Ecumenical Officer at the Council of Christian Unity (CCU) (21 Nov. 2016)
Gallery ID: 263 + more detailsArchbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, met with IARCCUM bishops and the Anglican Primates at the offices of the PCPCU on October 6, 2016 immediately after his visit with Pope Francis (6 Oct. 2016)
Gallery ID: 297 + more detailsThe Roman Catholic bishops of IARCCUM in green and the Anglican bishops of IARCCUM in red in the background. Each morning of the IARCCUM pilgrimage, the bishops celebrated the Eucahrist together, alternating between Anglican and Roman Catholic rites (6 Oct. 2016)
Gallery ID: 401 + more detailsArchbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, met with IARCCUM at the offices of the PCPCU on October 6, 2016 immediately after his visit with Pope Francis (6 Oct. 2016). Photo credit: ACO
Gallery ID: 408 + more detailsArchbishop Justin Welby preaches at Ecumenical Vespers at the Oratory of San Francesco Saverio 'del Caravita' (6 Oct. 2016). Photo credit: ACR
Gallery ID: 261 + more detailsArchbishop Justin Welby and Pope Francis stand together in front of the congregation at the Vespers at San Gregorio al Celio (5 Oct. 2016)
Gallery ID: 269 + more detailsArchbishop Justin Welby commissions Archbishop Donald Bolen, co-chair of IARCCUM, at the Vespers in San Gregorio al Celio (5 Oct. 2016)
Gallery ID: 270 + more detailsPope Francis greets Archbishop Donald Bolen, co-chair of IARCCUM, at the Vespers in San Gregorio al Celio (5 Oct. 2016)
Gallery ID: 279 + more detailsPope Francis commissions Archbishop Donald Bolen, co-chair of IARCCUM, at the Vespers in San Gregorio al Celio (5 Oct. 2016)
Gallery ID: 283 + more detailsArchbishop Justin Welby commissions Archbishop Donald Bolen, co-chair of IARCCUM, at the Vespers in San Gregorio al Celio (5 Oct. 2016)
Gallery ID: 291 + more detailsPope Francis and Archbishop Justin Welby entering San Gregorio al Celio for Vespers with the IARCCUM bishops (5 Oct. 2016)
Gallery ID: 299 + more detailsThe original crozier of St. Gregory the Great. A replica was given to Archbishop Justin Welby at Vespers in San Gregorio al Celio (5 Oct. 2016)
Gallery ID: 305 + more detailsPope Francis and Archbishop Justin Welby stop to pray at the throne of St. Gregory during the recessional after Vespers at San Gregorio al Celio (5 Oct. 2016). Photo credit: Rev. Amanda Currie
Gallery ID: 309 + more detailsPope Francis and Archbishop Justin Welby share a word and embrace during the Vespers at San Gregorio al Celio (5 Oct. 2016). Photo credit: L'Osservatore Romano
Gallery ID: 403 + more detailsArchbishop Justin Welby greeting Bishop John Bauerschmidt during the ecumenical vespers at San Gregorio al Celio (5 Oct. 2016). Photo credit: L'Osservatore Romano
Gallery ID: 404 + more detailsArchbishop Justin Welby and Pope Francis entering San Gregorio al Celio for the ecumenical vespers (5 Oct. 2016). Photo credit: Bishop John Bauerschmidt
Gallery ID: 405 + more detailsPope Francis greeting Bishop John Bauerschmidt during the ecumenical vespers at San Gregorio al Celio (5 Oct. 2016)
Gallery ID: 410 + more detailsCommissioning of the IARCCUM bishops by Archbishop Justin Welby and Pope Francis (5 Oct. 2016). Photo credit: Vatican Television
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