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• John Howe (1 )
The Anglican Communion Office, based in London, England, at St Andrew’s House, is the permanent secretariat for the Instruments of Communion. It serves Anglican Consultative Council, the Primates’ Meetings and the Lambeth Conference, as well as commissions, committees and groups that emerge from time to time, as the need arises.
Anglican Communion Office staff, from countries including Japan, Wales, Canada, Zambia and Colombia, also maintain the Anglican Communion website where visitors can find the official prayer cycle (daily prayer intentions for the dioceses of the Communion); vast amounts of official information and documentation about the Anglican Communion’s Instruments and its ministries; plus the very latest news from around the Anglican world via the Anglican Communion News Service. Funding for the work of the office comes from the Inter-Anglican budget supported by all Member Churches according to their means.
NOTE: The following list includes all documents in our ACO fonds, sorted by category and date. In addition to documents held in the current fonds, there are also documents specifically authored by ACO.
Letters, addresses, & greetings
Communiqués & Press Releases
Miscellaneous documents