Common Witness to the Gospel: Documents on Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations, 1983-1995
Common Witness to the Gospel: Documents on Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations, 1983-1995
Common Witness to the Gospel: Documents on Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations, 1983-1995 ~ 1997
Author(s)/editors(s): Jeffrey Gros, FSC, E. Rozanne Elder & Ellen K. Wondra
Publisher: United States Catholic Conference
Date: 1997
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Gros, FSC, Jeffrey, E. Rozanne Elder & Ellen K. Wondra. Common Witness to the Gospel: Documents on Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations, 1983-1995 (United States Catholic Conference, 1997).

Archival formats and locations:
  • Common Witness to the Gospel: Documents on Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations, 1983-1995. Ed. by Jeffrey Gros, E. Rozanne Elder & Ellen K. Wondra.. Washington: United States Catholic Conference, 1997. ISBN: 978-1574550603
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